1.1 Create an original piece of work that relates ideas or themes from the Book of the Year, Beartown, to the CST principles.

1.1 Create an original piece of work that relates ideas or themes from the Book of the Year, Beartown, to the CST principles..

ASSESSMENT TASK 3 (answer Question 1 OR Question 2)
Question 1 (in 2 parts)
1.1 Create an original piece of work that relates ideas or themes from the Book of the Year, Beartown, to the CST principles.
Your creative work should be based on your own experience and a community that you belong to and reflects ideas or themes in the book (for example, discrimination, trauma, community, justice, truth, belonging, hope and so on).
Examples of a creative work might be
• a diary entry
• a letter (to one of the central characters or to a community or to a political party, and so on)
• a short story
• a poem
• a piece of art (a photo, a sketch, a painting, a collage, a short film etc.)
(up to 300 words or the equivalent of 1-2 pages if it is a work of art).
1.2. Then write a personal reflection on the work that you have created, explaining the relationships between your created work, the ideas or themes you have chosen in relation to the Book of the Year, and at least 2 or 3 principles of Catholic Social Thought which are covered in the unit.
(900 words).
Readings for this assessment:
The book, “Beartown”, is fundamental reading for this assessment; so too are the readings of the unit available to you via LEO. You may include wider or further reading if you wish. Please note that you are not required to read outside of the novel and reading lists in the unit in order to achieve a high distinction in this assessment task.
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Version 3
Updated 16/04/2021
Question 2
(NB: this alternative assignment only differs in respect to the themes discussed. Whilst the original assignment is based on themes developed in the book of the year, this alternative task is based on themes discussed in the UNCC100 weekly content.)
The themes of the unit reflect a wide range of existential concerns that have an impact on us at various times in our lives: for example, our concern for the promotion of human dignity and our desire for flourishing.
Your first task is to identify one theme from the unit that you would like to use as the basis of your assignment.
Possible themes include:
• Human beings as “social beings”, communities and belonging
• Ubuntu (I am because we are)
• Virtues and flourishing
• The “good life” and flourishing
• Human dignity and the pursuit of flourishing
• The Golden Rule and justice
• Self, community and the promotion of peace
• Self, community and the universal purpose of goods – among others that you may wish to identify
Second task: think about the ways in which your selected theme connects with your own experience of a community that you belong to. The community that you belong to can be small and must be local (possibly a family, or a local volunteering group) or bigger such as a civic community or online community.
Third task: create an original imaginative piece of work that expresses the theme that you have chosen (and the way it connects with a community you belong to) and which relates to some of the principles of Catholic Social Thought.
Your creative work should be based on your own experience in a local community that you belong to and reflect the theme that you have selected.
Your creative work should be up to 300 words or the equivalent of 1-2 pages if it is a work of art.
Examples of a creative work might be:
• a diary entry
• a letter (to a political party, your local member, a leader in the community, and so on)
• a short story
• a poem
• a piece of art (a photo, a sketch, a painting, a collage, a short film etc.)
Finally, write a personal reflection on the work that you have created, explaining the relationships between your created work, your selected theme and 3 or 4 principles (in total) of Catholic Social Thought which are covered in the unit.
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Version 3
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General Instructions: The reflection should clearly explain to readers what the relationship is between your created work, the novel or the unit content and at least 2 or 3 principles of Catholic Social Thought.
• Please see the marking rubric at the end of the Unit Outline
• The idea is to express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your reflection as clear, accurate (in terms of your understanding of the principles) and coherent as you can.
• The reflection does require correct and full referencing.
• References and in-text citations do not count in the word limit.
• See referencing guidelines on the UNCC100 LEO page (You can find it under
Assessment How do I reference materials in UNCC units?
Due date: May 20, 5pm
Weighting: 50%
Length and/or format: 1200 words long.
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2
How to submit: The assessment must be uploaded to LEO via Turnitin.
Return of assignment: Assignments will be returned via LEO when final grades are released.
If you are unsure how to find your assignment results and feedback you can read how to do this on
LEO under Assessment How to find your results and feedback
Assessment criteria: A rubric outlining the criteria you will be marked on and the
standard for each criterion required to achieve each grade for Assignment 3 is attached below.
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Version 3
Updated 16/04/2021

1.1 Create an original piece of work that relates ideas or themes from the Book of the Year, Beartown, to the CST principles.


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