1. What aspects of brain development underlie the tremendous gains in language, thinking, and motor control of early childhood?

1. What aspects of brain development underlie the tremendous gains in language, thinking, and motor control of early childhood?.

1. What aspects of brain development underlie the tremendous gains in language, thinking, and motor control of early childhood?

2. Among children who spend much time playing alone, what factors distinguish those who are likely to have adjustment difficulties from those who are well-adjusted and socially skilled?

3. What experiences help children differentiate moral imperatives, social conventions, and matters of personal choice?

4. Explain how the social environment and young children’s cognitive limitations contribute to rigid gender stereotyping in early childhood.

5. Summarize findings on ethnic variations in child-rearing styles. Is the concept of authoritative parenting useful for understanding effective parenting across cultures? Explain.

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1. What aspects of brain development underlie the tremendous gains in language, thinking, and motor control of early childhood?


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