8. Funds Request and Use of Proceeds VCs like to see sales and marketing as use of proceeds, and they understand the need to support product development. Be clear on how much and why funds are required. Highlight key milestones.

8. Funds Request and Use of Proceeds VCs like to see sales and marketing as use of proceeds, and they understand the need to support product development. Be clear on how much and why funds are required. Highlight key milestones..

I’m going to upload a presentation in a pdf file. You need to create slides with the bullet points/whatever information you think should be on the slides plus you need to create a separate file (word doc) with speaker notes to the slides that you did. The Presentation is about a small company Kanile’a that makes Ukuleles. It’s a group presentation so you will only need to do a small part of it. This is a part you need to do:
8. Funds Request and Use of Proceeds VCs like to see sales and marketing as use of proceeds, and they understand the need to support product development. Be clear on how much and why funds are required. Highlight key milestones.
It needs to be after the part «06. Financial Plan». Try to make the slides in the same style/design as the presentation. Here’s the link for the google docs just in case:

8. Funds Request and Use of Proceeds VCs like to see sales and marketing as use of proceeds, and they understand the need to support product development. Be clear on how much and why funds are required. Highlight key milestones.


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