ABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 建筑学 assignment 代写

ABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 建筑学 assignment 代写.

ABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 建筑学 assignment 代写

THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNEFACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE BUILDING AND PLANNINGABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE: MOMO TO POMOESSAYDue Date : Thursday 4th May 2017, at 12 Noon.The essay carries 40% of the marks available in ABPL30050 Modern Architecture: MoMo to PoMo.Submission procedureStudents should submit an electronic copy of their essay to the LMS via Turn-It-In and a hard copy via theassessment chute in the Baldwin Spencer Building.Please attach a cover sheet with the number and essay topic heading. The  cover sheet is available via theLMS site – under Assignment Tools)Please contact the Subject Coordinator, Dr Bronwyn Stocks ( if youexperience difficulties with your submission.Late submissions are strongly discouraged and will be penalised. For each day beyond the assignmentsubmission date 5% of the total possible marks for the assignment will be deducted.Students who face difficulties in submitting on time should contact the Subject Coordinator  before  thedue date to discuss their situation.Submission format

ABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 建筑学 assignment 代写Essays are expected to be:• 2000 words in length. (up to 10% above this limit is acceptable. Please see instructions below.)•  Typed in at least 12 point•  1.5 spaced•  Presented with margins of at least 2.5cm•  Page numbered•  Stapled•  Presented with a header containing the following information: name, student number, course code,tutor name, tutorial number.•  Accompanied by footnote citations in the Chicago 16A footnote style (N.B. NOT the Chicago 16B authordate style). Clear instructions about how to use this system for different types of sources can be found here: In-text Harvard style citations are NOT acceptable. Note that all citations must include relevant pagenumbers.Assessment criteria•  How well the essay question is addressed.•  Evidence of thoughtful and analytical consideration of the topic.•  Flow of argument/discussion.•  Use of examples/primary material as evidence to support argument / explanation / discussion.•  Depth of research & documentation of sources.•  Use of research material, including synthesis of a range of sources and critical/analytical consideration of thematerial.•  Clarity of expression, spelling and grammar. (This is not a principal criterion, but at the very least you shouldproof read and spell/grammar check your essay prior to submission. Be kind to your reader.)Further notes on assessment criteria – Please read this carefullyOne of the key criteria for assessing essay submissions in Modern Architecture: MoMo to PoMo is how wellstudents have answered the set question. Failing to answer the question will generally result in a failing grade.Students should ensure they are examining the appropriate content asked by the question and consider ALL partsof the question in their written response. If you are unsure as to what a question is asking, please check withyour tutor or the subject coordinator.Other criteria used for assessment of submissions include the quality of the research and sources used toconsider the question, the level of critical inquiry (that is, how well the topic is argued and discussed) and theoverall structure and direction of the argument, including clear concluding remarks. The assignment calls forstudents to carefully and critically consider and answer the chosen topic using appropriate sources.Students should aim to consult a fair number of primary and secondary sources (a minimum of six),avoiding where possible very general texts or websites. Students should also include visual material tosupport their arguments where appropriate. Captions, citing name, title, place and date as well as imagesource should accompany illustrations. Please note: Bear in mind that the assessment task requires you to craft an effective and efficient response. Ifyour essay is well under the word limit then you may need to consider whether you have adequately answered allparts of the question. If you are well over the word limit then your text might warrant some editing to removeanything that is not specifically relevant. It is a good idea to read your work out loud (to family, friends or just toyourself) as this often highlights areas requiring improvement or amendment that might otherwise be overlookedin a silent read-through. The Academic Skills Unit is also a valuable resource that can provide further assistance: Note: Students found to have copied text without proper acknowledgment (that is, plagiarised) in theirassignment submissions, will face the penalties as set out in the University policy on plagiarism. See: Please also consult the information contained in the subjectreader. All quotes and sources of information (including web pages, if you must use them) must be properly cited.Copying from someone else’s work without acknowledgment is plagiarism, including failing to acknowledge thereplication of exact wording (which should also be indicated by the use of quotation marks) and/or failing toacknowledge the source of key ideas. N.B. Essays which contain plagiarized text will receive 0 marks. Seriouscases of plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with Faculty policy.ESSAY TOPICSChoose one of the following topics:1.  Both the emigré architects Rudolph Schindler and Richard Neutra were inspired by the work ofFrank Lloyd Wright and worked with Wright after their respective moves to the United States ofAmerica. Compare and contrast the modern architecture being designed by Schindler and Neutra,with that of Wright. What similarities or differences are evident in their respective approaches? Useexamples to demonstrate your argument.2.  Compare and contrast the Expressionist designs of the German architects, including ErichMendelsohn, with those of the Amsterdam School, including Michel de Klerk.3.  In 1923, Walter Gropius wrote, “The Bauhaus believes the machine to be our modern medium ofdesign and seeks to come to terms with it.” How is this ideal expressed in the work of the Bauhausbetween 1923 and 1933? In your response, explain how and why this differs from the school’sapproach/direction as well as its products and architecture prior to this.4.  Modern architecture in Scandinavia was based on traditions that were quite particular to the regionand quite different to the driving forces of International Modernism in France, the Netherlands andGermany. Compare and contrast the work of one Modernist Scandinavian architect who took a“regionalist” approach with the work of one French, German or Dutch architect who practiced atthe same time and whose work was more “international” in approach. Analyse specific examples ofbuilt work to support your discussion and consider in your response the impact upon thesedifferent contexts and traditions.5.  Is there consensus on what is meant by Postmodernism in architecture? Examine the writings ofCharles Jencks, Heinrich Klotz and William Curtis in your answer.6.  How do the principles of modern architecture and urbanism formulated by Peter & Alison Smithsonand Team 10 differ from those developed by CIAM? How were these differences manifested indesign work of the Smithsons and other members of Team 10?7.  In 1930s Europe, architecture and political ideology would become intimately connectedthrough the buildings created under the National Socialist (Nazis) in Germany and theFascists in Italy. Compare and contrast the architecture and ideology associated with thesetwo right-wing political movements and allies.8.  Discuss how Mies van der Rohe’s Glass Skyscraper project of 1922 relates to the design of theSeagram building. Note differences and similarities, and explain them in relation to technologicaland cultural contexts of the two projects.9.  Compare and contrast the work of one member of the New York Five with that of Robert Venturi.Do they begin their architecture from different philosophical positions? What similarities anddifferences in their approach to post-modernism can be identified?10.  Choose examples of utopian architecture proposed by three different architects in the twentiethcentury. Compare and contrast the ideas that are being proposed about urban life, the form andexpression of the proposals and the context in which the proposals were made.11.  Choose two architects associated with the Russian avant-garde in architecture after 1917,including the Constructivist movement and other groups, and compare and contrast their designsand built work before 1930.12.  Compare and contrast the work of two of the architects included in the DeconstructivistArchitecture exhibition held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1988. What made theirwork ‘deconstructivist’? How has the work of the architects you have chosen developed insubsequent years?13.  English high-tech architects such as Norman Foster developed their principles at the same time aspost-modernism became the dominant architectural manner. What common ground did themovements share and what were the key differences? Discuss with specific examples.14.  The manifesto has played an important part in the development of modern architecture in Europe.Compare and contrast the written and designed products of the Italian Futurists with that of theDutch de Stijl movement. How did the use of the written word help shape their respectivearchitectural visions?15.  Discuss the use of off-form concrete in the later work of Le Corbusier, referring to at least threebuildings completed in the 1950s. Note its first appearance and how its use is developed in thelater buildings as well as how this results in differing expression/effect.16.  Discuss the differences between housing projects proposed by Dutch architects such as Michel deKlerk and those proposed by Le Corbusier in the 1920s. What proposals for housing in the urbanenvironment were made and why were there differences in their approaches?17.  Charlotte Perriand, Lilly Reich, Eileen Gray and Marion Mahony were women designers andarchitects who were at the forefront of the modern movement, yet are now less known than theirmale counterparts. Examine the work of one female designer and/or architect of the first half ofthe twentieth century. Consider the role of collaboration in their work and reasons why theircontribution to European modernism has been given comparatively little attention.18.  “One should not be surprised to find, in fact one would expect to find an archaic quality inarchitecture today. This is because real architecture is just beginning to come to grips with awhole new order of artistic expression, growing in turn from the new set of tasks which societyhas set for the architect.” Louis Kahn 1955. Discuss with reference to three buildings designedby Kahn and, where appropriate, works by other architects.19.  The architecture of the New York Five drew on aspects of Le Corbusier’s work. By examining thework of one member of the Five, explore this connection in detail. How has this architect’sapproach to architectural design developed subsequently?20.  Analyse the development of the open/free plan by Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe. Discuss withreference to two works by each architect; exploring the differences and similarities in their approachesand how this is developed in these works.One more reminder: read the instructions on pages 1-2ABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 建筑学 assignment 代写

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ABPL 30050 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 建筑学 assignment 代写


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