ABPL20045 City Futures 墨尔本大学 建筑规划 代写

ABPL20045 City Futures 墨尔本大学 建筑规划 代写.

ABPL20045 City Futures 墨尔本大学 建筑规划 assignment 代写

ABPL20045 City FuturesSemester 2, 2017 | University of MelbourneSubject Guide Lecturer and Tutor DetailsCo-ordinator DetailsDr Kate Raynor DetailsLauren Piko Malenic Stitt Rountree Shinde  kiranshindebvp@gmail.comSubject descriptionCity Futures is a subject concerned with imagining the City from a variety of different lenses andperspectives. It is about considering the myriad of possible futures for our cities and reflecting onhow different societies and individuals have envisaged wonderful or terrible future outcomes.This subject critically examines imagined city futures from historical and contemporary perspectives,incorporating concepts and approaches from utopian literature, critical urban theory, andphilosophy to explore how the ‘city’ is understood as a physical realm, a social realm, and animagined realm. In addition, the subject also critically investigates how imagined and real cities areinfluenced by popular media and technology, as well as cultural, environmental, economic, social,and political contexts. Students will be able to speculate upon the future of the polis, and their placein shaping or being shaped by the urban condition.Over the course of the semester, the subject will challenge you to consider what is important whenshaping a city and will frequently ask you to challenge status quo assumptions about the way ourcommunities, cities and countries function.Subject objectivesAt the end of the subject, you will be confident and competent in your critical ability to:1. Overview historical and contemporary views of cities and civilisations as utopian ordystopian.2. Clearly articulate your thoughts about why the future of the city is contested and theimplications for the roles of urban professionals, individuals, communities, and governingbodies.3. Understand the forces and factors that influence the way we imagine cities and how theseimaginations are contested, negotiated, and/or feared.4. Communicate the extent to which real cities are reflective of imagined utopias and theimplications for imaging city futures today.5. Be familiar with cultural, environmental, economic, social, technological, and politicalcontexts of urbanism historically, today and in the future city.6. Imagine the future of the city and your place in it by stating your own defensible position onkey issues confronting cities and city planning, such as: how we should plan for city futurestoday.Time commitment to studyContact hours will be one two-hour lecture per week, and one one-hour tutorial per week.However, there will be no tutorial in Week 1, and no lectures or tutorials in the mid-semesterbreak (a non-teaching week). This means the contact hours for the semester will total no more than36 hours.Total time commitment to study for this subject—including contact hours, research, and reading—is100 hours, or approximately 8.5 hours a week.Attendance at ClassStudents are responsible for obtaining any information given out in class and keeping themselvesinformed of the subject requirements.Students who expect to miss one or more scheduled classes should discuss this with the subjectcoordinators and tutor. The Faculty requires a minimum of 75% attendance at all tutorial sessions.This attendance is a hurdle requirement for passing this subject. That means you MUST attend atleast 8 tutorials to pass this class.The Faculty and subject coordinators will only permit extended absences where grounds for specialconsideration exist, and in these cases, the subject coordinators may advise the student to considerwithdrawal from the subject.Assignment submissionAll assignments must be submitted online through the LMS. Further information on submissions isprovided in this link: for extensions or special considerationAny requests for extensions or special consideration must be submitted to the Environments andDesign Student Centre. Information on how to do this is provided in the links below: that you notify your tutor and subject co-ordinators so that you may be assistedappropriately in obtaining an extension or special consideration. It is recommended that suchrequests are communicated prior to the date of assessment submission.Students in contact with the Student Equity and Disability Support are advised to confer with subjectco-ordinators.Lecture time and venueThursday 13:00–15:00: Doug McDonell-103 (Herbert Wilson Theatre)Lectures will be recorded and made available via the LMS.Tutorial Schedule and VenuesTut Day  Time  Tutorial Venue  Tutor  Tutor Email01Tues  11:00AM PAR-MSD-237 (Studio)  Dejan Malenic  02:15PM  PAR-MSD-141 (CAD Studio)  Dejan Malenic  03:15PM  PAR-MSD-239 (Studio)  Dejan Malenic  12:00PM  PAR-MSD-139 (CAD Studio)  Phoebe Rountree  12:00PM  PAR-MSD-449 (Studio)  Lauren Piko  01:15PM  PAR-MSD-142 (CAD Studio)  Lauren Piko  01:15PM  PAR-MSD-216 (Studio)  Phoebe Rountree  phoebe.brann@gmail.com08Tues  04:15PM  PAR-MSD-117 (Studio)  Lauren Piko 09:00AM PAR-MSD-139 (CAD Studio)  Phoebe Rountree  phoebe.brann@gmail.com10Thurs 03:15PM  PAR-MSD-142 (CAD Studio)  Helen Stitt 04:15PM  PAR-MSD-139 (CAD Studio)  Helen Stitt  10:00AM PAR-MSD-138 (Studio)  Kiran Shinde  kiranshindebvp@gmail.com13Fri  09:00AM PAR-MSD-138 (Studio)  Kiran Shinde  kiranshindebvp@gmail.comLecture and tutorial program(May be subject to minor changes)Week Date Lecture Topic Tutorial Topic Notes127-Jul1a Introduction to City Futures (Kate R)1b Utopias and the Good City (Kate R)No tutorialPolitics2  3-AugWealth and Neo-liberalism2a. Wealth and neo-liberalism (LaurenPiko)2b. Neo-liberalism and the compact city(Kate R)Introduction310-AugEquality and Communism4a. Communist utopias and dystopiasthroughout time (Kate R)4b. Communism in practice (Elek Pafkaand Hyungmin Kim)Neo-liberalutopia andrealityAssignment 2:In-classPresentation hasa rolling due datestarting fromweek 3417-AugFreedom and Anarchy3a. Anarchic utopias and planning(Carolyn Whitzman)3b. Examples of anarchy in city shaping(Kate R)Communismand the cityIndividual Values524-AugHappiness and Hedonism6a. Drugs, sex and rock ‘n’ roll (Kate R)6b. The impacts of liquor licensing (LizTaylor)AnarchicUtopiasAssignment 1:Class Paper dueFriday 25 August,5pm631-AugReligion and Culture5a. The impact of religion and culture onthe city (Kiran Shinde)5b. Architecture Panel – Hakan Elevli,David Week and Harriet StoneHappiness andHedonism7  7-SepInclusivity7a. Feminism and the city (Lauren Piko)7b. Concepts of family in Utopia (Kate R)7c. Planning for LGBTIQ inclusion (TBC)Religion,culture and thecity8

ABPL20045 City Futures 墨尔本大学 建筑规划 assignment 代写14-SepHealth and Ability7a. Eugenics and Health in Dystopias (KateR)7b. Designing the city for the blind(Lauren Hayes)7c. Planning a dementia-friendlycommunity (Jacqui Storey)InclusivitySecuring the future921-SepSustainability8a. Ecotopias (Phoebe Rountree)8b. Working towards a sustainable future(Kate R)Health andAbility28 Sept – Non-teaching week10  5- OctProgress9a. Technological utopias and dystopias(Kate R)9b. Computer games and cities (DejanMalenic)SustainabilityAssignment 3:AnnotatedBibliography dueFriday 22September, 5pm1112-OctSecurity11a. Planning in the age of terrorism,nationalism and fear (Kate R)11b. Dystopian Apocalypse (Kate R)Technology1219-OctWrap up12a. Utopian and dystopian movies andbooks (Kate Raynor)12b. Wrap up and questions (KateRaynor)SecurityAssignment 4:Major Essay dueNovember 10 at5pmAssessment tasks and due datesThe assessment tasks for City Futures include:•  Assessment 1: Class paper equivalent to 500 words due week 5 (15%);•  Assessment 2: Tutorial presentation (10 minutes) equivalent to 1000 words, rolling due date(20%);•  Assessment 3: Annotated bibliography equivalent to 1000 words due week 9 (25%);•  Assessment 4: Major essay equivalent to 1500 words, due first week of examination period(40%).Further information outlining the assessment tasks and criteria are located in this subject guide.Feedback and marks relating to your assessment will be returned within 14 days of submission.Subject readingsThere is no physical reader for this subject. All readings are uploaded to the LMS and labelled withthe relevant week.ReferencingStudents are to choose from a small range of citation styles. Appropriate styles for use in this subjectinclude Harvard, Chicago and APA. Use of any style outside of those stipulated must be approved byyour tutor.You are to include a reference list with each assessment, noting the source and author of each textutilised. Please also note your chosen citation style. Failure to cite or reference as appropriate willincur the deduction of marks, as per the plagiarism policy below.If you require assistance, ensure that you speak with your tutor or subject co-ordinators, and visitthe Academic Skills unit: and collusionPlagiarism is serious and readily detectable: all submissions for City Futures are to be uploaded toTurnitin. Plagiarism includes duplication of another author’s work (whether in entirety or used insegments throughout a submission); submission of one’s own prior academic work (both within andoutside of the University of Melbourne); and ‘close’ paraphrasing (with minor changes to sentencestructure or vocabulary, but fundamentally identical in terms of meaning, structure, key terms, andlogic). Collusion—collaboration with other students on individual tasks—is also a form of academicmisconduct, which can be readily identified.Plagiarism and collusion are not tolerated and will incur a mark of zero for the relevant assessmenttask.Penalties for the late submission of workStandard penalties apply for late submission of work for undergraduate subjects. The Faculty ofArchitecture, Building and Planning’s position in regard to penalties for late work is as follows:•  In-class tasks: 100% of the mark.•  All other assessment: 10% of the total possible marks for the task for each day that it is late,including weekends and holidays.This means that, after three days, a student originally awarded 75% will be awarded 45%. After fivedays the work will not be accepted for marking and students will receive no marks.University Policy additionally considers this on the basis of calendar days. A late submission for aportion of a day will be counted as one day late; a submission made the day following theassignment due date will be considered two days late, and so forth.Penalties for breach word limitsStandard penalties apply for breach of word limits for undergraduate subjects. The Faculty ofArchitecture, Building and Planning’s position in regard to penalties for breach of word limits is asfollows:•  Assignments of more than 1000 words: for assignments that exceed the word limit by morethan 10%, inclusive of footnotes, attract a marking penalty of 10% of the marks that wouldotherwise have been awarded.•  Assignments of less than 1000 words: assignments which exceed the word limit by 10% willbe capped to a maximum grade of H2B.•  Any assignments that exceed the word limit by 25% will be capped to a maximum grade ofH2B.For example, an assignment with a limit of 2000 words will be marked down by 10% if there aremore than 2200 words. If there are 2500 words or more, the maximum result that may be awardedis a H2B.AssessmentAssessment Task 1: Class paperThis assessment is a formally written piece, to be written and submitted individually. Your classpaper should not exceed 500 words. This includes in-text citations, but does not include yourreference list.This task is worth 15% of the subject’s total assessment. You are to utilise a minimum of fiveacademic references, selected from both the core readings and your own research.The class paper is due 5 pm, August 25, and is to be submitted to the LMS via Turnitin.Learning objectives and generic skillsThe key activities in this assignment are to:•  Identify an existing example of a utopia in media or literature;•  Utilise a range of academic literature in critically analysing the chosen utopia;•  Situate these utopias within a real-world context, justified with appropriate research.Assessment taskYou are required to submit a class paper of 500 words in response to the following prompt:Utopias respond to perceived issues or crises: they are imagined spaces where theseproblems have been resolved. These envisioned worlds have been frequently depicted intexts—film, media, and the written word—over the past century, but also deeper in ourcollective history. Selecting one utopia from a specified source, analyse its key elements inlight of the era in which it was produced, understanding the social, political, and economiccharacteristics of that time.Your class paper must include citations and a reference list within the parameters of your chosenreferencing style. A minimum of five academic references are to be utilised.You may wish to focus on a utopia from any of the following sources:•  Film or documentary•  Television•  Literature•  Video games•  MusicIt is recommended that you discuss your choice of utopia with your tutor. Opportunities will beprovided to workshop ideas prior to submission. A sample paper will also be uploaded to the LMS inWeek 2.Assessment criteriaThe assessment criteria for the major essay is outlined below.Reference listA list of references is required for any visual or written material that you may reproduce in thisassignment or for any ideas and concepts that you have received from other sources.Ensure that your work is paraphrased where necessary. Direct quotes not cited or stylised inaccordance with the chosen style guide will be considered plagiarism.Assessment Two: In-class Tutorial PresentationThis task is a presentation of 10 minutes to be conducted within a tutorial session from Week 3onwards, and is worth 20% of the total subject mark. You are to present on a selected corereading.This task has a rolling due date. You must present in your allocated tutorial. A module in the LMS willbe utilised, allowing students to self-allocate themselves to a reading. A maximum of two studentswill present per tutorial unless otherwise negotiated with the tutor.Learning objectives and generic skillsYou will develop and apply analytical, critical thinking, writing, and oral presentation skills, havingchosen a core reading to discuss.The key activities in this assignment are:•  Identifying and defining the focus of your chosen text;•  Relating the chosen text to a specified theme or topic;•  Communicating the key elements of the work clearly;•  Critically assessing the value and validity of the chosen text.Assessment taskSelect a core reading from a particular week. You are to present on this core reading in your tutorial.You may choose to utilise images or slides, a YouTube video of your own making, or a creative work.You should provide a background of the author, summarise the reading, and critically analyse it forits validity and relevance to the topic for that week. Ensure that you clearly address the primary keytenets or ideas of the text.Due dateThis task has a rolling due date. Sign-up sheets will be placed on the LMS at a time specified withinthe first lecture.Assessment CriteriaAssessment Two  H1  H2A  H2B  H3  P  NResearch Appropriate amount of researchDemonstrated comprehension ofmaterialPresentationandorganisationClarity and format of presentationUse and application of a consistentreferencing styleAbility to answer questions andfacilitate discussionIntroduction of the chosen reading Content andargumentQuality of framing and analysisConclusion/20Assessment Task 3: Annotated bibliographyThis assessment task is an annotated bibliography that will help to prepare you for Assessment Four,the final essay. Focusing on this essay, you will select and annotate a set of relevant texts. Thisassessment task should not exceed 1,000 words in total. This task is worth 25% of the subject’stotal assessment.The assessment is due 5 pm, September 22, to the LMS.Learning objectives and generic skillsYou will develop and apply analytical, critical thinking, and writing skills in framing and developingyour annotated bibliography.The key activities in this assignment are:•  Identifying and defining the focus of your annotated bibliography and essay;•  Locating and citing high-quality academic texts, including journals and books;•  Frame analyses with an introductory and concluding paragraph, defining key terms;•  Critically assessing the value and validity of chosen texts.Assessment taskSelect a topic from a list of essay questions to be provided in Week 4. Identify four key terms, andlocate an academic text relevant to each chosen term, culminating in the analysis of four texts. Youmay utilise books, edited books, and peer-reviewed journal articles. Only one of these texts maybe a core reading. Your key terms should be stated prior to the introduction, along with yourchosen referencing style.An introduction and conclusion should frame your annotated paragraphs, which introduce yourtopic, and briefly outline your findings. For each text, include an accurate bibliographic citation,followed by an analysis of approximately 200 words, for a total of four texts overall. Only one corereading may be discussed. Your citation list is not included in the word count.Assessment criteriaThis assignment is worth 25% of the total mark for the subject.Reference listA list of references is required for any visual or written material that you may reproduce in thisassignment or for any ideas and concepts that you have received from other sources. Ensure thatyour work is paraphrased where necessary. Direct quotes not cited or stylised in accordance with thechosen style guide will be considered plagiarism.SubmissionYou must submit the written piece online through the LMS, using Turnitin. Further information onsubmissions is provided in this link: 4: Major essayThe third component of your assessment is an essay of 1,500 words.Choosing one topic, write an academic essay in a formal written style. Your work is expected toinclude an introduction, body, and conclusion: your structure and argument should be clear, andyour essay should critically analyse ideas relevant to the topic, rather than restating them. You areexpected to draw upon a large number of diverse and high-quality academic sources, with aminimum of ten references, citing no more than three core readings.Harvard, APA and Chicago citation styles are acceptable unless otherwise approved.Students are not to extrapolate upon ideas or topics utilised in prior assessment, with exception ofthe annotated bibliography.Essay writing resources will be available through the LMS. In addition to this, workshops will runduring tutorials. Further assistance will be available through individual tutors or the subject co-ordinators during consultation hours.This assessment is due at 5 pm, on November 10 to the LMS, and is worth 40% of the totalmark.Learning objectives and generic skillsThe key activities in this assignment are:•  Identifying and defining the focus and theme of your essay.•  Developing a response to your chosen essay question.•  Presenting a coherent, succinct, well-structured and rigorous essay argument.Assessment taskYou are required to submit a major essay answering one essay question (from a range ofquestions to be released in Week 5 of Semester 2). If you wish to create your own essay question,please contact the course co-ordinators for their approval.Assessment criteriaThe assessment criteria for the major essay is outlined below:Due dateThe major essay is due during the examination period at 5 pm, November 10 (40%).Reference listA list of references is required for any visual or written material that you may reproduce in thisassignment or for any ideas and concepts that you have received from other sources.Ensure that your work is paraphrased where necessary. Direct quotes not cited or stylised inaccordance with the chosen style guide will be considered plagiarism.SubmissionYou must submit the piece online through the LMS, using Turnitin. Further information onsubmissions is provided in this link: readings will be uploaded to the LMS: there is no physical reader. Ensure each reading is printedor located on a device, as it is advised that readings are brought to each tutorial to aid in discussion.Additional non-core readings, which you are suggested to peruse—particularly when researching foryour major essay—may be added throughout the semester.Note: the referencing style used on the LMS is Harvard, although other styles of citation arepermitted in this subject. Please refer to unimelb recite: City Futures 墨尔本大学 建筑规划 assignment 代写

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