After completing the required reading assignments. Provide a critical analysis discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading.

After completing the required reading assignments. Provide a critical analysis discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading..

After completing the required reading assignments. Provide a critical analysis discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading. At the post graduate level you are not to provide a summary but rather provide a critical thinking assessment of the topic. You must use at least one Biblical citation, one peer-reviewed journal article citation, and one course primary topic textbook citation to inform you further on the topic.
Your initial thread is due on Wednesday of the module week and must be 500–750 words with in-text citation and references. Be sure you copy and paste your text into the DB. You may attach a documents after posting text to the DB.
The following 3 sources must be included in your thread:
The course primary topic textbook
At least 1 peer-reviewed journal article
1 passage of Scripture
You must cite all sources you used in current APA format.
Textbook Readings:
Ahmed (2019): Sections 11.1-11.9
Bartlett (2013): Chapter 7: Statistical Qualifications.
Chapter 8: Statistical Diagnostics.
Chapter 9: Statistical Review.
Merida (2015): Four types of hearts, pp. 490-530.

After completing the required reading assignments. Provide a critical analysis discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading.


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