An Annotated Bibliography is basically a Works Cited page with summaries of the articles. 2. Begin the Annotated Bibliography by developing the Works Cited page. The Works Cited page with entries follows MLA format. You should have four articles related to your topic. These articles should come from Ebscohost, ProQuest, or CQ Researcher.

An Annotated Bibliography is basically a Works Cited page with summaries of the articles. 2. Begin the Annotated Bibliography by developing the Works Cited page. The Works Cited page with entries follows MLA format. You should have four articles related to your topic. These articles should come from Ebscohost, ProQuest, or CQ Researcher..

Submit the Annotated Bibliography for the Argumentative Essay with (Four Article) Sources.
An Annotated Bibliography is basically a Works Cited page with summaries of the articles. 2. Begin the Annotated Bibliography by developing the Works Cited page. The Works Cited page with entries follows MLA format. You should have four articles related to your topic. These articles should come from Ebscohost, ProQuest, or CQ Researcher.
The articles should be balanced–the articles reflect both sides of the debate. Example Entries for the Works Cited page:
Andrews, Mark. ” Police Must Wear Body Cameras.” The Chicago Tribune, 7 March 2018, pp. B6. ProQuest, search “Attention to Police Body Cameras.” The Spendora Gazette, 6 April 2019. ProQuest, search Caldwell, Bobby, and Jada Smith. ” Police Body Cameras Do Not Work.” Newsweek, 7 July 2020,
pp. 5-9. Ebscohost, . Hall, Darryl. ” A Study of the Effects of Body Cameras upon Public Perception.” Journal of Social Crime, vol. 6, no. 4,
8 May 2020, pp. 10–25. Ebscohost,
Jost, Kenneth. ” Police Reform.” CQ Researcher, vol. 10, no. 5, 6 June 2019. CQResearcher, 3. Next, write the summaries for the four articles for the Annotated Bibliography. See the instructions in Lesson Four. .
Assignments for March 28–April 6
Arvis Scott posted on Mar 28, 2021 6:06 PM
1. Email the final copy of the third essay–The Summary/Response Essay- by 11:00 p.m., Sunday, March 28. 2. Email two possible topics for the Fourth Essay–The Argumentative Essay with Sources–by 11:00 p.m., Thursday, April 1. Both topics should be stated in the form of “Should Questions.” See Lesson Four : “What Is the Argumentative Essay with Sources” in Brightspace for a list of possible topics. We will discuss possible topics in class. 3. Find four article sources related to your approved topic by using the following MCC databases: EBSCOhost, ProQuest Newsstream, or CQ Researcher. **You may NOT use any other sources. We will discuss how to find articles from these databases in class. The articles must be “balanced” with arguments for both sides of the debate being represented. For example, two articles may be “for,” and two articles may be “against.” You may also choose articles that give arguments for both sides. 4. Bring printed copies of articles to class or be able to access emailed copies of articles in class on Tuesday, April 6. Be able to provide the following information about each article in class: Author: Title of the Article:
Title of the Journal, Newspaper, or Magazine:
Volume/Issue Number: Publication Date:
Page Number:

An Annotated Bibliography is basically a Works Cited page with summaries of the articles. 2. Begin the Annotated Bibliography by developing the Works Cited page. The Works Cited page with entries follows MLA format. You should have four articles related to your topic. These articles should come from Ebscohost, ProQuest, or CQ Researcher.


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