Analyze the target audience for the publication, and consider how their needs dictate the writing choices you will make.

Analyze the target audience for the publication, and consider how their needs dictate the writing choices you will make..


For this assignment, your goal is to share your position and “join the conversation” on the topic you have been researching all quarter by preparing your writing for print or online publication. Readers of commentaries want to grasp the issue you are presenting and understand your angle right away. You must make your point quickly and memorably, with an ultimate goal of convincing readers to agree with you, act in some way, and/or change their minds

In this assignment, you will continue writing about your ongoing research topic, but you will modify it to meet the various formatting and style needs of your chosen publication. This does not mean that you can just take a 2,000-word paper and cut off 1,000 words; instead, you must demonstrate that you have made careful choices to revise your more academic writing to fit another medium targeted toward a different audience.

This assignment requires you to:

Choose a publication to which you will write your commentary from the specified list of options below .

Determine the style, tone, level of formality, etc. that is typical for that publication.

Analyze the target audience for the publication, and consider how their needs dictate the writing choices you will make.

Write a Commentary Article between 700 – 1000 words using the same topic you’ve been researching all quarter.

Use APA format – it is likely that the publication you choose will not use APA format; however, since learning APA is a key component of this class, we will continue to use it here. If you do decide to submit for publication, be sure to consult publication guidelines and use the reference style specified.

List of publications you may choose from:

Your local newspaper

Time Magazine Opinion

NPR Opinion

Huffington Post Opinion

Slate Magazine

The Washington Examiner Opinion



Teen Vogue

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Analyze the target audience for the publication, and consider how their needs dictate the writing choices you will make.


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