Assessment topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario. Computer Organisation and Architecture Report

Assessment topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario. Computer Organisation and Architecture Report.

Assessment 2
Assessment type: Report (2,000 words) – individual assignment
Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify and understand synchronisation and deadlocks. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes b and c.
Value: 30% (Report 20%; Presentation 10%)
Due Date: Report Submission via Moodle (Week 9); Presentation (Weeks 10-11)
Submission: Upload the completed report via Moodle.
Assessment topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario. Computer Organisation and Architecture Report
Task Details: The report will require analysis of an operating system scenario and a report on the systems and logical issues involved, as well as options for resolving the problem and subsequent implications.
Assignment Details: Assess the significance of locality and its applicability across a broad range of memory hierarchies. Write a report and expand on the justifications given in chapter one and chapter eight of the book (Stallings, W. (2017). Operating System: internals and design principles. 9th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.) for why the locality principle is valid.
You should use internet resources and other books as well. Your report should be clearly structured. Prepare a brief presentation of your report and present it to the rest of the class. You must provide references and cite the resources that you consulted for this assignment. Harvard referencing is the required method.

Assessment topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario. Computer Organisation and Architecture Report


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