Being John Malkovich (Dir. Spike Jones, Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman, 1999), and reading Helen Oyeyemi’s short story, “Is Your Blood As Red As This?” please respond to the following,.
I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.After watching the film Being John Malkovich (Dir. Spike Jones, Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman, 1999), and reading Helen Oyeyemi’s short story, “Is Your Blood As Red As This?” please respond to the following, making specific connections to Tzachi Zamir’s scholarly piece, “Puppets” [pp. 386-395 (end of section 3)] where possible:Drawing on Tzachi Zamir’s points in “Puppets” [pp. 386-395 (end of section 3)], analytically reflect on how puppets and puppetry in Being John Malkovich and the short story, “Is Your Blood As Red As This?” raise questions and issues around the nature of identity, the self, and subjectivity, in relation to performance, theater, and social conditioning (pay particular attention to Zamir’s points about autonomy, freedom, and agency, and the relationship between subject and object, and think about connections you can make between these points and the film and story).Please be specific; use specific examples from throughout the texts to back up all analysis. Also, please be sure to read the WEEK 3 NOTES first to help guide your reading/viewing/analysis. Requirements: minimum of 400-500 words | .doc file