“BinDawood Holding Co” in Saudi Arabia and – “Tesco PLC” in the UK

“BinDawood Holding Co” in Saudi Arabia and – “Tesco PLC” in the UK.

Analyses Task:
In this task you should use You should use your own excel sheets for the analysis and then include the results in the power point presentation. You will show the results in form of charts and tables.
Comparisons of the 2019 financial statements of:
– “BinDawood Holding Co” in Saudi Arabia and
– “Tesco PLC” in the UK
The comparison should show at least the following aspects:
1. Income Statement:  Revenue, Cost of sales, Administrative expenses, Gross profit, Operating Profit, Net Profit, EBTIDA, EBIT, EBT
2. Balance Sheet: Current Assets, Inventory, Fixed Assets, Current liabilities, Non-Current liabilities, Shareholders Equity, Net Working Capital, Current Ratio, and Debt to Equity Ratio.
3. Cash Flow Statement: Net Income, Depreciation, Impairment, Tax/Zakat, Interest, Sales/purchase of Assets, and borrowings.
4. WACC, Inventory Turnover, Inventory days, and Payables Days
You need to provide the sources for the information you have used for your research. (Note: Only reliable sources are acceptable)
You will need to send your Excel sheet and your presentation One Day (24 hours) before your interview.
You must ensure that you can present in 13 to 16 minutes.

“BinDawood Holding Co” in Saudi Arabia and – “Tesco PLC” in the UK


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