Briefly describe an uncomfortable workplace situation in which you witnessed a failing on the part of the organization. Did you speak up? Why or why not?Explain

Briefly describe an uncomfortable workplace situation in which you witnessed a failing on the part of the organization. Did you speak up? Why or why not?Explain.

Watch the two videos (What Happened to Josie? (Links to an external site.)  and Patient Safety PSA (Links to an external site.).

Peter Pronovost, Senior Vice President for Patient Safety and Quality at Johns Hopkins Medicine, said, “We need to start talking about this.” What would you say is the significance of this statement? In other words, why is this meaningful in your opinion?

Briefly describe an uncomfortable workplace situation in which you witnessed a failing on the part of the organization. Did you speak up? Why or why not?

Be sure to review the Rubric for this Discussion Forum so that you earn full points.
(YouTube) What Happened to Josie: (Links to an external site.)

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Briefly describe an uncomfortable workplace situation in which you witnessed a failing on the part of the organization. Did you speak up? Why or why not?Explain


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