BSBINM301 – Organise workplace information

BSBINM301 – Organise workplace information.

BSBINM301 – Organise workplace information
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Task 1.
Activity 1. Collect and assess information
1. Match the process of organising workplace information to the correct practice.
2. The type of information an organisation collects will vary depending on the type of organisation and
business operations.
Provide five (5) examples of information and the documents generally used for the following types of
business operations.
Types of information Types of electronic and hard copy documents
A recruitment agency
A retail store
Your current workplace or a workplace you are familiar with.
3. When collecting information, you need to ensure that sources are reliable and producevaluable and useful
information. Place a tick to indicate whether the following sources of information are reliable or unreliable.
Sources of information reliable unreliable
Opinionated articles such as editorials
Sites ending in .gov or .edu
Personal websites
Blogs, tweets
Books—authored, edited and published Newspapers and magazines
Company financial reports
Meeting minutes
Self-published sources
Competitor’s products and services
Public records
4. The collection and use of information should meet organisational and legislative requirements. Access the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website and provide the following:
(a) An explanation of the Privacy Act 1988.
(b) Rights and Responsibilities. Who has rights under the Privacy Act?
5. Work as part of a group to discuss solutions.
Demonstrate your ability to use your interpersonal skills as part of a team (2 or 3 students) and assess
information for accuracy and reliability. Discuss solutions for the following two scenarios (a) & (b).
Responses must be your own interpretation of discussions.
(a) Scenario
Ryan is an administration officer for a job agency. His role is to process applications and review job
advertisements before they are posted on The organisation’s policy and procedures state that job
descriptions must meet with Commonwealth and State legislation. He reviews a job description that says the
applicant must be a young unmarried female with no children for a general cleaning job. Ryan is unsure
whether this information breaches antidiscrimination legislation.
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Question: How should Ryan proceed with the task?
(b) Scenario
Every time staff want to apply to have some time off for a holiday, company policy requires each member to
complete a leave application document and give it to the manager for approval. Once submitted this
document would be used by different departments for the following purposes:
? The manager would use it to assist with rostering.
? The pay office would use it to ensure staff are paid correctly for the period. ??The human resource office
would use it to adjust leave accrual.
If staff fail to complete the document correctly and legibly it may cause issues for everyone, including;
incorrect pay, errors and increased workload.
Question: How could the method of collecting the information be improved to be more reliable and make
efficient use of time?
6. What interpersonal skills did you use during your group work and how would you rate your success in
using these skills to obtain the information you needed?
Activity 2. Organise information
7. When managing information in the workplace it is important that the information is organised in a format
that allows for analysis, interpretation and distribution to others.
Using the tables below, provide an example of a document type, formatting method and means of distribution
for the following types of information.
a) Company policies and procedures.
Type of document Formatting methods Means of distribution
b) Customer complaints register
Type of document Formatting methods Means of distribution
c) Product brochure
Type of document Formatting methods Means of distribution
d) A sales and production report
Type of document Formatting methods Means of distribution
8. Organisations create and collect considerable amounts of information for variousrequirements and
audiences. Study the scenario below and provide the most appropriate methods of communication and ways
to keep the information up-to-date.
You are employed at Blue Circle Cleaning Services. You are responsible for providing new employees with
safety information on how to work with chemicals.
(a) What methods of communication would you use and why?
(b) What strategy could you use to ensure the collection and recording of this information is updated
9. Complete the diagram below by providing three (3) examples of possible difficulties when managing
workplace information.
10. What essential skills do you need to overcome difficulties when managing workplaceinformation?
11. List eight (8) different ways information can be stored. e.g. electronic file
Activity 3. Review information needs
12. What is the first step in the process of reviewing the information needs of a business?
13. List four (4) ways you could actively seek feedback.
14. To measure the quality of the information what should you seek feedback on?
15. What factors can cause the information needs of a business to change?
16. What is an Information Gap or Needs Analysis and why is it useful when determining future information
17. Why is it important to document results of an information Gap or Needs Analysis and future information
Task 2. Project Assignment
To complete the project assignment, you will undertake three (3) activities in the role of a HR Administrator
according to the job description, scenario and organisational requirements.
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Activity 1. Collect and assess information: Observation/demonstration of skills & knowledge.
Activity 2. Organise information: Follow instructions provided by your Trainer/Assessor.
Activity 3. Review information needs: Create an email and sign the declaration.
Job description – HR Administrator
Personality and attitude is key and you must have excellent communication skills, be able to work with other
team members and senior leaders confidently and professionally. You must have excellent attention to detail
and enjoy taking ownership of own tasks and workload.
Your responsibilities include:
? General administrative support tasks.
? Monitoring the HR inbox and filing emails.
? Manage and maintain hard copy and electronic files.
? Identify and find solutions for administrative issues.
? Manage various projects as assigned.
To improve the decision-making process for the organisation, you have been asked to manage the collection
of information on the Australian Labour Force. The information must be current, reliable and completed in an
appropriate timeframe. Your manager has not provided you with clear instructions.
Activity 1. Observation/demonstration
Study the scenario and consider what information you need to commence the assignment. Schedule a time
with your Trainer/Assessor, who will take the role of manager and provide you with the necessary
? Your Trainer/Assessor will assess your interpersonal and communication skills according to the checklist
? You will use the information collected to complete Activities 2 and 3.
Version 4.0518
Reference Only – Your trainer will complete this Observation checklist on Moodle
Observation/demonstration Checklist
Student Name
Trainer/Assessor Date
Unit code and name BSBINM301 Organise workplace information
During the demonstration of skills and knowledge, did the student: Yes No Comment
??Make a request for information.
??Ask questions to gain an understanding of the assignment including:
o access to an information source
o information format and style
o type of technology or system to maintain information
o method to update and store the information
o timeframe
??Use active listening and appropriate eye contact.
??Summarise and paraphrase to gain a full understanding.
??Show confidence and a professional attitude.
The candidate’s performance was: Satisfactory ? Not satisfactory ?
Overall feedback to candidate:
Student Signature Assessor Signature
Version 4.0518
Activity 2. Organise information
Organise the labour force information by:
1. Accessing labour force information according to instructions and information provided by your
Trainer/Assessor in Activity 1.
2. Formatting the necessary information, for analysis and interpretation, on current employment and
unemployment figures and other statistics.
3. Attach your Excel sheet.
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Version 4.0518
Activity 3. Review information needs
1. Review the information before submission by checking instructions and make modifications where
required. Sign the declaration below before submission.
2. Seek feedback from your manager in the form of an email using the space provided. You will need to ask
your manager to:
? Check the information and format.
? Confirm method for up-dating and storage of information according to Privacy Regulations.
? Review your contribution of information to decision making process.
? Provide any feedback on whether the information meets with organisational requirements and future
planning needs.
Student declaration: I have reviewed the information according to organisational requirements and
instructions and made all necessary modifications before submission

BSBINM301 – Organise workplace information


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