BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area.

Assessment Resource Summary
Unit Details BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Assessment Methods Written Questions
Assessment Task 1
Practical Demonstration Assessment Task 2
Assignment Assessment Task 3
Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain and evaluate an organisation’s work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures and
programs in a work area to ensure a safe workplace, according to WHS legislative requirements. It takes a systems approach and addresses compliance with relevant
legislative requirements.
The unit applies to those working in a range of contexts who have, or are likely to have, responsibility for WHS as part of their broader management role. It is relevant
for people with obligations under WHS laws, for example persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) or officers, as defined by WHS laws.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Prerequisite Units
There are no mandatory pre-requisite units for this competency.
Co-requisite Units
There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.
All products purchased remain the intellectual property of St Peter Institute. All rights reserved; no part of any publication provided by St Peter Institute may be
reproduced by any means for use outside the purchasing organisation, without the prior written permission St Peter Institute .
Summative Assessment – Assessor Instructions
It is important that in conducting assessment, the assessor undertakes the following:
Prior to conducting the assessment
• Read the assessment tasks as detailed throughout this document
• Contextualise the task (and checklist) to ensure it reflects the students simulated working environment. (Be sure to check with the mapping document to ensure any
contextualisation still covers the unit requirements)
• Read the assessor instructions and checklist prior to commencing the assessment
• Ensure the assessment environment is suitable for the parameters of the task, to ensure the students will have an appropriate opportunity to demonstrates their skills
• Make suitable modifications to the assessment environment (if required), to allow all tasks to be observed
• Ensure the student is allocated the appropriate time and resources for the task
• Advise the student prior to conducting the assessment of:
o what will occur throughout the assessment process
o when the assessment will occur
o the level of competency expected (review the checklist or the criteria for the task to ensure the student understands the assessment process and the expectations)
o the RTO reasonable adjustment process and offer adjustment for any students needing assistance
o the RTO re-assessment and appeals process
• You should not tell the student how to undertake the task, as it would lead the student and render the assessment process invalid. The student should have been taught
-How- to perform each task during the training stage, and is expected to know this prior to commencing the assessment.
• Do not give the student a copy of the Assessor Checklist or Sample Answers prior to the assessment. The student instructions provide appropriate detail for the
student on the expected level of competency for each task.
For this assessment, St Peter Institute (SPI) ensures that students will have access to:
• Simulated workplace which is located at:
Level 2/271-281 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000
• Office equipment and resources within the SPI campus.
• Examples of documentation relating to this unit.
• Supplier “RTO Materials” Support Material for student learning relating to this unit (
The supplier support material has been contextualised in SPI’s Student Assessment and Assessor Guide to meet the students learning requirements and reflect the
students simulated working environment in accordance with the performance criteria, foundation skills, performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment
conditions specified in the unit of competency.
Conducting the assessment
• Establish and oversee the evidence gathering process to ensure it remains valid, reliable, fair and flexible
• Advise the student when to commence the assessment
• Observe the student undertake the tasks as outlined
• Record your observations in the assessor checklist
• Where a checklist point is not observed due to an inappropriate environment, or for a reason outside the students control, modify the scenario to allow the student an
opportunity to perform the associated task
• Where a checklist point is not appropriate, write -N/A- in the space provided
• Incorporate allowable adjustments to the assessment procedure without compromising the integrity of the assessment. Be sure to make appropriate notations on the
assessment checklist to explain any variances to the assessment process (such as probing questions, alterations to assessment environment, etc) to ensure the
assessment process is transparent (and the assessment remains Valid)
• Gather supporting documentation where available and appropriate (as evidence)
• Do not interfere with the assessment unless the students’ actions impose a risk to themselves or anyone else. In the event that the actions of the student impact on the
safety of any person – you are to immediately cease the assessment and take actions to reduce the identified risk.
• If a student performs an action incorrectly, mark it as such. Record what you see, not what you want to see.
• Once the assessment is complete, advise the student that the assessment has ceased, and record your comments in the sections provided.
Making and recording the decision
• The student needs to be deemed satisfactory in all assessments to gain competency.
• You are to provide feedback* to the student on their performance and/or the outcome from their assessment (whether satisfactory or not yet satisfactory)
• If a student has been assessed as -Not Yet Satisfactory- on their performance in an assessment they should be offered information about the appeal process and/or a
reassessment opportunity.
• Using the evidence gathered and the rules of evidence (validity, reliability, sufficiency, currency and authenticity) determine the final outcome for the student. If you
are in doubt, gather further evidence to help guide your decision.
• Assess the students on what you observe during the assessment period, not on their actions before or after the assessment.
• If you are marking the student NYC, ensure you outline why you have made this decision, and provide advice on how the student can improve their skills /
knowledge prior to reassessment; or if the re-assessment opportunities have lapsed, provide advice on appeals and or re-enrolment.
• Record the assessment results onto the Assessment Summary / Cover Sheet, ensuring each section is complete
• Attach all evidence (projects / checklists / tests, etc.) to this form.
• Submit the completed Assessment Summary/ Cover sheet and associated evidence for processing as per your RTO procedures
Providing feedback
• Provide constructive feedback to the student on their performance during the assessment period. Do not make any comments on actions undertaken prior or after the
assessment period.
• Provide the student with:
o Their assessment result
o Clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision
o The reasons underpinning your assessment decision
o Information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by the assessment the opportunity to discuss the assessment process and outcome
information on reassessment and the appeals processes.
o An opportunity for reassessment if appropriate or requested by the candidate
Student Instructions
Written Questions
Practical Demonstration
• Candidates are required to complete the following written assessment task. This is an individual assessment, but you can use notes to assist.
• All questions will need to be answered correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.
• Time allocated: 120 min • This is an individual assessment, but you are to research and can use notes to assist.
• The practical demonstration is designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your application of knowledge.
• To be deemed Satisfactory in this assessment task, you need to cover ALL the points in the practical demonstration.
• The PowerPoint presentation and observation checklist will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.
• These activities will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your application of knowledge of the required skills, you have obtained through the completion
of this unit.
• Time allocated: 60 min
• This is an individual assessment, but you are to research and can use notes to assist.
• The assignment is designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your application of knowledge.
• To be deemed Satisfactory in this assessment you need to answer correctly ALL parts and in your own words, clearly printed, word formatted and typed in English
• Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.
• This activity will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have obtained through the completion of this unit.
• Time allocated: 180 min
• Submit your assessment by the date set by your assessor
• The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment:
Short answers: 4 typed lines or 50 words
Long answers: 8 typed lines or 100 words
Brief report: 1 typed page or 500 words
Mid Report: 2- 4 typed pages or 1000 words
Long Report: 4 – 6 typed pages or 2000 words
• Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Please refer below for our policy in regards to cheating
• Any answers that seem to have been directly quoted from an external source, would require the student to verbally explain to their assessor, as to what knowledge
they were able to gather from the source and if they understood what they have written.
• Do not cheat during this assessment. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be excluded under the Disciplinary Rules and their opportunity for assessment will
be subject to the outcome of an Appeal Process or Disciplinary Hearing
• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you
• Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will
be put in place to ensure a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range or nature of the adjustment will ensure that the
outcomes of the unit are not compromised.
• Accommodation for LLN and appeals process is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you.
• RPL – Recognition of prior learning is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you
• Re-assessment: If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given the opportunity to be re-assessed by our Assessor. Arrangements will be made on an
individual basis.
• Feedback: Your assessor will provide written feedback to students after the completion of the assessment. The trainer/assessor will explain the appeals process.
• References: Any material/content sourced from the internet, ‘open book’ sources, journals, news articles, websites, etc., must be clearly and precisely referenced,
giving credit where it is due to the original work. If no such reference is provided, the student’s attempt would be considered as cheating and fall under the category of
Written Questions Assessment Task 1
Referring to a business of your choice, this can be either your workplace, a previous workplace or somewhere you are interested in working at, you are to investigate
and make suggestions on WHS laws, policies and procedures by answering the following questions.
Part A
1. Where can you find the companies WHS Policies and Procedures documents? If possible, include a copy of the policies & procedures. What would you do to imbibe
these policies and procedures? How would you communicate them?
2. According to the company policy what are the responsibilities of the employer and employees?
3. Does the company have a WHS representative and/or a WHS Committee? Who is it?
4. Who is the First Aid Officer? Where would you find the First Aid kit?
5. Who is/are the Fire Wardens?
6. What is a hazard? List 7 different types of hazards.
7. Define risk and risk assessment?
8. Describe the hierarchy of control measures and define various ways in which it can be applied at a workplace?
Part B
Based on your findings in Part A;
1. Explain what the company is doing well with their WHS Policies & Procedures.
2. What recommendations would you make for this company based on what’s missing, feedback from other employees, what’s not working well and any
improvements that can be made? Also identify any financial or human resources that might be required. (Minimum 300 words).
3. If you feel that there are a lot of things that are missing or are non-compliant with respect to Work Health & Safety, what strategies will you adopt to ensure that
these issues are eliminated.
Practical Demonstration Assessment Task 2
Workplace Hazard and Risk Assessment simply means looking at the work task and considering what is the safest way to complete it. It is a way of becoming aware of
the hazards involved in doing the job and taking action to prevent an injury.
A well-developed Hazard and Risk Assessment process is suitable for different tasks and industries, and does not require enormous amounts of time or using endless
pieces of paper.
Part A
You are to look at your current workplace (or your RTO if undertaking this assessment outside of a workplace), and identify any hazards or potential hazards using the
Hazard Checklist (Appendix 1) and the Risk Assessment Table (Appendix 2).
Part B
After completing the Hazard Checklist, call for a meeting of your staff members (role-play) and discuss your findings with them. After consulting with your staff
members, deliver a presentation answering the following questions:
1. What process would you put in place to ensure hazards are identified and assessed in the future? (i.e. how often would you do a hazard check?)
2. Where would a record of files or anything related to WHS be kept?
3. Does your process comply with legislative requirements? Explain how.
4. Where would you get expert advice on WHS if required?
5. How would you communicate the changes implemented (if any) with the workers so that it is easy for them to understand?
Part C
Write a short report explaining how you will create and sustain procedures for successfully identifying hazards, and gauging and controlling risks in a work area. The
report should consist:
1. Procedures for current hazard identification and strategies to mitigate them.
2. The factors which should be considered in relation to the planning, design, and evaluation of changes in the workplace such that these changes don’t create new
hazards and at the same time previous hazards are brought under control.
3. Procedures for implementing risk controls as per the hierarchy of control measures and WHS laws.
4. Any deficiencies with the current risk control methods as per the hierarchy of control measures and WHS laws and if the risk controls are ineffective, what strategies
would be implemented to ensure they are effective.
5. Aspects that you are not very clear about and require expert opinion and methods of communicating with these experts.
6. Templates of various WHS recordkeeping tools such as incident reports, near miss reports, induction sheet.
7. Records of the following
– List of first aiders and fire wardens
– First Aid Items
– Injuries
– WHS meetings/tool box talks
– Equipment records
– Hazardous substances
Practical Demonstration – ASSESSOR CHECKLIST
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in this task. This checklist is to be completed for each student.
In undertaking this role-play and presentation, did the student Satisfactory
1. Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the topic with the target audience
Discussed with the participants the following:
• gave overview of objectives and explained the structure of how the objectives were going to be achieved and the content
? Yes ? No
2. Answer all following questions to a satisfactory level:
• What process would you put in place to ensure hazards are identified and assessed in the future? (i.e. how often would you do a hazard check?)
• Where would a record of files or anything related to WHS be kept?
• Does your process comply with legislative requirements? Explain how.
• Where would you get expert advice on WHS if required? ? Yes ? No
3. Use presentation aids, material and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
Used at least two (2) of the following (indicate which ones):
• flip charts
• whiteboard
• power-point presentation
• real items/products
• handouts
• internet ? Yes ? No
4. Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest
Used at least three (3) of the following (indicate which ones):
• smiled – showed genuine interest & enthusiasm (credible)
• maintained eye contact
• addressed the audiences’ needs
• used surprising facts to gain attention
• explained benefits of the content being presented
• confident about what they were talking about
• used analogies
• storytelling ? Yes ? No
5. Use culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• Avoided the use of slang and jargon
• Appropriate eye contact – not staring ? Yes ? No
6. Summarize key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• broke content down into logical steps
• key points/stages noted to students and content recapped
• took questions and answered student queries progressively ? Yes ? No
7. Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• clarification – resulting from response point 5
• rephrased – changed language used/ simplified language and/or examples
• used different questioning techniques – open / closed ? Yes ? No
8. Use non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes
Demonstrated at least three (3) of the following (indicate which ones):
• showed good listening skills
• avoided the use of jargon and slang
• maintained appropriate eye contact
• inclusive of ideas from others
• summarized progressively
• Ensure there is congruency between the verbal and non-verbal communication, i.e. they match-up ? Yes ? No
9. Collect feedback from participants
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• Obtained verbal feedback from students
• gave feedback sheets for completion and collection – quick ?sheet or scale for what they liked/ not understood/ performance of presenter etc. and ensured room for
comment ? Yes ? No
Assignment Assessment Task 3
Part A
Based on the information gathered in Assessment 1 & 2, you are required to put together a WHS Induction Training Session for new employees. The training should
include everything to do with Work Health & Safety that a new employee will need to know about when starting at your workplace.
As part of this assessment you must include the following;
• A session plan
• Examples of hand-outs
Part B
1. Part A explains how new employees will be trained on WHS. What process will be followed to ensure employees have ongoing training with WHS? Explain this in
a schedule.
2. How will you ensure employees are kept up to date with changes on WHS laws and Policies & Procedures?
Part C
You are to look at your current workplace (or your RTO if undertaking this assessment outside of a workplace).
1. Explain the system used for WHS for recordkeeping and disease management. Explain how decisions on every WHS case is recorded, maintained and managed.
2. Explain how any WHS issues are reported
3. Explain whether the WHSMS (work health and safety management system) in place complies with the quality system framework of the organization.
4. Is there any room for improvement for the organizations work health and safety management system?
5. How is the organization working to ensure that the work health and safety management system complies with the WHS laws?
Appendix 1: Hazard Checklist
WHS Hazard Checklist
Student Name:
Potential Hazard Concerns/ hazards identified Risk Assessment
(Level of Risk) Action Plan (suggestions for controlling the hazard and risk) Action date
Fire Protection
Exiting, Detectors, Sprinklers
Power Outlets, Circuits
Machinery / Equip Safety, Servicing
Building Access Stairs, Safety Rails
Floor Coverings
Heating / Air-Conditioning
PCs, Phones, Power
Noise, Odours, Radiation
Doors / Windows
Clearance, ease of use
Emergency / Evacuation Procedures
E.g. Posters, Exit Signs
Safety Procedures Posters, Exit Signs
First Aid Equipment
Storage Areas
Appendix 2: Risk Assessment Table
Level of Risk
Frequent Probable Occasional Remote
Catastrophic High High High Medium
Fatal High High Medium Medium
Critical High Medium Medium Medium
Marginal Medium Medium Medium Low
Negligible Medium Medium Low Low
This form is to be completed by the Trainer/ Assessor and attached as a summary page for each student.
To provide the outcome of the Assessment, a photocopy will be given to the student.
Student Name:
Student ID No:
Unit Start Date:
Unit End Date:
Unit Code: BSBWHS521
Unit Title: Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Please attach the following documentation to this form Result
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory Reassessment
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
Assessment Task 1 ? Report based on findings and recommendations
S | NS S | NS
Assessment Task 2 ? Hazard Checklist attached
? Report based on developing WHS related procedures
S | NS S | NS
Assessment Task 3 ? Training Session Plan attached
? Handouts for induction
? Schedule of ongoing training
? Report based on monitoring WHSMS S | NS S | NS
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
Assessor Notes: (inclusive of reassessment, reasonable adjustment, further opportunities for gap training etc.):
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights.
Name: ______________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____ Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback
Name: ________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Administrative use only
Entered onto Student Management Database ? ________________
Student Assessment Receipt
Student Name
Student ID
Unit Name Ensure a Safe Workplace for a work area Unit Code BSBWHS521
Summary of Assessments
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 3
Assessor / Trainer Name: ___________________________
Assessor / Trainer Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________

BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area


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