C++ Create a data structure that keeps track of templated data types in a sorted array. Objects should be sortable by containing at least one sortable property (e.g. item for sale { price, size }, books { author, title, genre }, etc.) and implementing the less than “

C++ Create a data structure that keeps track of templated data types in a sorted array. Objects should be sortable by containing at least one sortable property (e.g. item for sale { price, size }, books { author, title, genre }, etc.) and implementing the less than “.


Create a data structure that keeps track of templated data types in a sorted array. Objects should be sortable by containing at least one sortable property (e.g. item for sale { price, size }, books { author, title, genre }, etc.) and implementing the less than “<” and equals “==” operator overloads. The data structure should use an array of the templated types for the purpose of this assignment (don’t use a Vector). Implement a search function that will return:

•Object with the searched property (if any)

•Additional suggestions (similar objects to the one searched)

•Rankings of most likely to least likely results (display at least 3 results)

You will also need to provide a Big-O analysis of your algorithms.

Grading Criteria:

•[2 Points] At least two different objects with at least one sortable property

•Sortable Objects class:

o[2 Points] Less than operator overload “<”

o[2 Points] Equals operator overload “==”

o[2 Points] << operator overload to give a string representation of the instance

•Data Structure class (must be templated and must use array):

o[2Points] Insert must result in sorted array (i.e. you’ll need to shuffle things over)

o[2Points] Remove must not leave gaps in sorted array (same with insert, you’ll need to shuffle things over)

•Search method given a property to search for:

§[1Point] Returns the first instance that meets the searched criteria, if any

§[1Point] Returns an instance of the most similar object to thesearched property if an exact match isn’t found

•Search method for top 3 results

§[2Points] Returns at least 3 unique results don’t return multiple instances of the same object)

§[2 Points] Rankings of most likely to least likely results (if an object with the exact property is found, that’s rank #1. Otherwise, you determine what the “closest”rank is).

o[2 Points] << operator overload to print out instances in the array


o[2Points] Demonstrate inserting minimum of 5 instances of one object out-of-order and show that it is in-order subsequently

o[1 Point] Demonstrate inserting another instance of an object that is equals to an object that already exist in the data structureand show that it is in the correct order subsequently

o[1Point] Demonstrate searching for an object that exist

o[1 Point] Demonstrate searching for an object that doesn’t exist

o[1 Point] Demonstrate searching for top 3 resultsfor an object that exist (the found object should be rank 1)

o[1 Point] Demonstrate searching fortop 3 results for an object that doesn’t exist

o[1 Point] Demonstrate array is still in order after a remove operation

•Big-O Analysis:

o[1Point] What is the Big-O of your search algorithm?

o[1 Point] What is the Big-Oof your insert algorithm?

•Extra Credit:

o[2 Points] Search algorithm that has O(log n) complexity

C++ Create a data structure that keeps track of templated data types in a sorted array. Objects should be sortable by containing at least one sortable property (e.g. item for sale { price, size }, books { author, title, genre }, etc.) and implementing the less than “


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