Chapter “Making Connections” “Four Steps To Your Success” given the link above.
Reading Response: Read the assigned chapter, and take notes/annotate as you read.
Chapter “Making Connections” “Four Steps To Your Success” given the link above
This chapter focuses on the “big picture”- the most powerful principles you can implement to promote your own success and the key campus resources you can use to help you succeed. It describes what the key principles and resources are, why they are effective, and how to capitalize on them. (Thriving in the Community College and Beyond; Cuseo, Thompson, McLaughlin; 4th Edition)
- First, write the Chapter Learning Goal from the text.
- Next, list what you feel are the 3 Key Points of the chapter.
Following each Key Point, explain in detail WHY you feel it is significant.
- The explanation should cover two areas:
- How/why the textbook gives emphasis to this point.
- Why it is important to your academic/career/personal life.
The online College Catalog and CState website to research the resource or service that you believe can help you be successful as a student at Cincinnati State (
- Discuss the resource/service and why you think you will benefit from it.
- Gather at least three (3) pieces of information about your selected resource/service that make it interesting to you. The more specific the details, the better!
Chapter “Making Connections” “Four Steps To Your Success” given the link above