Choose 5 audience constituencies.
MARKETING/ENGAGEMENT – Develop an audience engagement strategy for a contemporary play. Choose a play from the list of options posted on Blackboard. Write a 1000 word concept paper that describes a three-pronged approach to marketing that play tolocal audiences. Design a Power Point or Google Slides that visually demonstrates your ideas. The first paragraph of your Concept paper should: • Clearly state the play, playwright, and design element you’ve chosen. • Should give a BRIEF (one sentence) summary of the play’s plot. The Concept Paper should answer the following questions: • If you had to describe the play in one word/image/theme that best evoked your marketing strategy, what would it be? • Choose THREE audience constituencies (students, senior citizens, families, community members, specific special interest groups) and include a paragraph for each outlining how you would target these markets. o What kind of images, media, and language would you use? • For each of these questions, be sure to include the specific choices you would make and specific references to moments in the play to get these ideas across to the audience. The Power Point/Google Slides should: Contain five slides: • The first slide should include your name, the play and playwright’s name • The second slide should have at least three images and three key words that explain the one word/image/theme you chose in your Concept Paper as central to the play • The third slide should have at least three images and three key words that focus on how you would approach engaging your first audience constituency • The fourth slide should have at least three images and three key words that focus on how you would approach engaging your second audience constituency • The fifth slide should have at least three images and three key words that focus on how you would approach engaging your third audience constituency Concept Paper Followslength guidelines; uses appropriate syntax/spelling/grammar /10 Answers each of the four questions above, with specific references to moments in the play (4 x 5 possible) /40 Power Point/Google Slides Follows the guidelinesfor each of the five slides as listed above (5 x 5 possible) /50 TOTAL /100
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