Choose seven key moments/quotes from the book – ones that exemplify certain them

Choose seven key moments/quotes from the book – ones that exemplify certain them.

Choose seven key moments/quotes from the book – ones that exemplify certain themes and/or reveal the truth of a character. Pair a song with each moment. A song might reflect a particular theme or the interiority of a character; it might be one you think a particular character would actually listen to; it might be one that would work perfectly as part of a soundtrack to a particular scene. You want to mix this up. For example, you don’t want seven nearly identical songs about one thing. HOWEVER, regarding your list of quotes about theme – keep in mind any quote will reflect multiple things at once. They may be from different character perspectives; they may come from different scenes; they may reflect quiet or dramatic moments in the novel, they may reflect different moods/emotions (rage? agony? hate? passion? sorrow?), and so on. So if you’re using multiple quotes about, say, revenge – you still want to pair quotes with different kinds/styles of songs, to reflect the unique nuance of each quote. (By that I mean, don’t give each quote a very similar song – mix it up, and use your powers of analysis to explain yourself). At least one songs must relate to a secondary characters (Henry, Justine, Elizabeth, etc.)
With each song, tell us the artist/song, include applicable lyrics from the song, include quote and page # from the book, then offer a rationale (brief paragraph) about why you are pairing that song with that particular may calendar
moment in Frankenstein. So for your pairings, you should have entries that look like this:
1. Artist & song:
From the song:
From the book:
2. Artist & song:
From the song:
From the book:
3-READ. Read about Frankenstein themes here and here. In your book, or online here, read through to at least Chapter 16 (XVI).
or, the Modern Prometheus
by Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley

Choose seven key moments/quotes from the book – ones that exemplify certain them


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