COMP8230 – Assignment 2 – Problem Analysis

COMP8230 – Assignment 2 – Problem Analysis.

COMP8230 – Assignment 2 – Problem Analysis Semester 1, 2021
Department of Computing
Macquarie University
Marks: 30 marks (30%)
Due Date: 11:59 PM, 07 May 2021 (End of Week 9)
What to Submit: A research report
Where to Submit: Electronic submission via iLearn
This is an individual assignment. The objective is to demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts,
techniques, algorithms and modellings in context-aware graph data mining. The rest of the document explains
the details.
You need to choose one of the topic related to “Context-Aware Graph Data Mining”, e.g., trust relationship
mining in social networks, graph pattern matching in networking data or path mining in transportation-based
graphs, etc. (You could choose other topics, but it must be related to the “Graph Data Mining”). Then you
need to write a research report that must contain the below sections:
Introduction (5 marks). This section is a general introduction about your topic. It should contain at least the
below two parts:
• [Background] (2 marks): This part usually is the first paragraph of the whole introduction. It is to introduce
the general background of a specific topic to let audiences who are not the experts in the area understand the
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• [Motivations] (3 marks): This part is to introduce why the problem is significant and what are the
challenges in solving the problem. You need to briefly introduce the targeting problem, and identify the
challenges of solving the problem by summary the drawbacks of the traditional methods (or naive methods)
to highlight the motivations.
Related Work (5 marks). In this section, you need to introduce at least three existing related methods in the
literature. You need to introduce the core ideas of the methods and analyse the drawbacks and/or advantages
of the methods.
Identified Methodologies (10 marks). In this section, you need to introduce one or several specific techniques
or methodologies to be adopted to solve the targeting problem. This section should contain at least the below
two parts.
• [Problem Statement] (4 marks): You need to provide a formal description and/or the modelling of the
problem (e.g., the inputs and the outputs).
• [The Proposed Methods] (6 marks): You need to describe why the selected techniques and methodologies
are appropriate for solving the problem, and describe the details of selected methods in solving the problem.
Conclusion and Future Work (5 marks). In this section, you need to summarise the specific topic and indicate
some possible future improvements and/or research directions for the targeting problem (it could be in a highlevel).
References (5 marks). In this section, you need to provide all the references used in the research report (they
should be correctly cited in the report). You need to use LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) style
shown in the uploaded LNCS template.
More Details:
• [The Template]: You are suggested to use LNCS proceedings template (refer to the uploaded word or latex
template on iLearn).
• [The Page Limits]: Your report should not be less than 3 pages, and should not exceed 8 pages.
• [The Marking Criteria]: The marking will be based on the completeness of the above sections and the
criteria shown in the below table, which is applied to all the sections.
Figure 1: The marking criteria
Late Submission: No extensions will be granted without an approved application for Special Consideration.
There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks (3 marks for the assignment) made from the
total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late. For example, 25 hours
late in submission for this assignment– 20% penalty (6 marks deducted). No submission will be accepted
after solutions have been posted.
Zero Tolerance for Cheating: You are required to write the report by using your own words. All submissions
will be checked for plagiarism. Any confirmed cases will be reported to the faculty for disciplinary actions,
and the marks of the assignment and the unit will be held until the case has been resolved. See Macquarie
University’s code of conduct for the details of the process.

COMP8230 – Assignment 2 – Problem Analysis


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