Concrete situations in your workplace might give rise to ethical dilemmas

Concrete situations in your workplace might give rise to ethical dilemmas.

This is a paper that is focusing on what concrete situations in your workplace might give rise to ethical dilemmas. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Concrete situations in your workplace might give rise to ethical dilemmas

In the career for which you are preparing, where will you look for ethical guidance?
Employer: contractual obligations, employee handbook, corporate culture.
Colleagues: fellow workers, deserving respect, productive relationships.
Clients: honest treatment, service with dignity, contractual obligations.
Profession: fellow practitioners, counterbalance to employer, code of conduct.
Personal: individual commitments, personal responsibility, integrity.

All of these overlapping concerns may create conflicted situations. Professional association codes of ethics commonly deal with a number of concerns:
Expertise: qualifications for practitioners, continuing education.
Research: informed consent, plagiarism, shared publication credit.
Privacy: record keeping, protecting confidentiality, public statements.
Relationships: harassment, conflicts of interest, workplace behavior.
No matter how extensively the professional code is spelled out, it cannot cover everything, and also it often overemphasizes enforcement. It is more helpful to take a positive approach, thinking aspirationally about how best to handle challenging situations.

Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
Firstly, what concrete situations in your workplace might give rise to ethical dilemmas?
Secondly, does the professional code of conduct provide any relevant guidance for these cases?
Thirdly, where else might you turn for reliable advice on handling each of these situations?
Fourthly, how can workplace colleagues productively resolve disagreements about such issues?
Lastly, when might your own personal ethical convictions conflict with the advice of others?
Please remember that these are practical questions. The point is not to deal abstractly with philosophical issues, but rather to develop useful skills everyone can apply every day.

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Concrete situations in your workplace might give rise to ethical dilemmas


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