conduct a critical appraisal of a primary research paper.

conduct a critical appraisal of a primary research paper..

This is an academic essay. You are required to conduct a critical appraisal of a primary research paper. Follow the instructions below and note the criteria as set out in the rubric. Critical appraisal can be done in a range of formats but you must follow the emphasis mentioned in the rubric criteria. Headings below have been suggested and these are based on the rubric or assessment criteria. Two papers are provided and you choose one.
The unit learning outcomes assessed are:
LO 2. Critically examine the relationship between research and improvement in healthcare outcomes;
LO 4. Search for evidence using bibliographic data bases;
LO 5. Demonstrate an understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies;
LO 6. Critically appraise a peer reviewed journal article using an appropriate appraisal tool;
LO 8. Evaluate research papers including systematic reviews on aspects of clinical practice.
2000 words
You should follow the format of an academic essay and use well-structured headings. Headings are signposts and give clarity to writing.
We strongly suggest the critical appraisal has headings for the following areas:
The research problem and its significance
The research design
The research methods
Findings and their relevance to contemporary nursing policy and practice
It is important you refresh your learning about academic essay writing and refer to the marking guide (assessment rubric). A range of resources to assist with Assessment 2 have been provided in VU collaborate. This includes a complementary activity to help you write critically, how to write an introduction and conclusion, and how to tackle essay writing in general. If you struggle with assignment attend the complementary activity. If you are entering from Diploma level it is essential you attend the complementary activity.
There should be evidence of critical analysis of the research not just a gathering of information.
Your instructor will provide the journal paper to be reviewed in Week 1:
Students are referred to relevant Victoria University assessment policies. Especially note the VU policy regarding criteria for special consideration and the documents you need to provide to support your application for an extension.
Students should take account the following requirements:
Essays submitted after 5 days will not be accepted or marked.
Every essay is checked for plagiarism. Make and keep a full copy of all work submitted for assessment.
This is an academic essay so dot points will not be accepted -i.e. use sentences.
The essay should be written and presented in a scholarly manner
1.5 line spacing
Include a title page with your name.
Include accurate and systematic in-text referencing and a bibliography using APA Referencing: The essay should have a Reference List
Students are referred to relevant Victoria University assessment policies.
See also relevant VU policy regarding criteria for special consideration and the documents you need to provide to support your application for an extension.
The word limit for the critical appraisal is 2000 words. There will be a 5% deduction for every 10% above or below the word limit.
There are serious penalties for late submission and word limit infractions. Refer to University policies on submission guidelines. Make and keep a full copy of all work submitted for assessment.
The critical appraisal will be marked on the following areas:
The research problem and its significance;
The research design;
The research methods;
Findings and their relevance to contemporary nursing policy and practice;
Critical analysis;
Use of evidence;
Grammar, spelling and punctuation;
Sentence, paragraph structure and sequencing;
Closing paragraph(s)/ conclusion;
Sources and referencing.
Read the marking criteria when planning and writing the critical appraisal.

conduct a critical appraisal of a primary research paper.


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