Consider the constituency tests below. Does the constituency test provide evidence that the underlined phrase is a constituent?.
1. Consider the constituency tests below. Does the constituency test provide evidence that the underlined phrase is a constituent? Name the test used as evidence in the data (answers a question, pronoun substitution, relocation). Note that an asterisk (*) in front of a sentence indicates that it is ungrammatical. (7 points)
a. The happy students from Guelph will enjoy their vacation.
b. *It is the happy students who will from Guelph enjoy their vacation.
c. It is the happy students from Guelph who will enjoy their vacation
Is the happy students a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
Is the happy students from Guelph a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
a. The happy students from Guelph will enjoy their vacation safely.
b. What will the happy students from Guelph do? Enjoy their vacation safely.
c. What will the happy students from Guelph enjoy? *Their vacation safely.
Is enjoy their vacation safely a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
Is their vacation safely a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
d. I have put the book on the correct bookshelf.
e. *The book on the correct bookshelf is what I put.
f. I have put the book where? On the correct bookshelf
g. I have put the book on what? The correct bookshelf
Is the book on the correct bookshelf a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
Is on the correct bookshelf a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
Is the correct bookshelf a constituent? Y N Test: ___________________
2. Using the PSRs given on page 114 in the textbook (repeated below), draw trees for each of the following sentences. If a transformation has occurred, draw both the deep structure and the surface structure. Be sure to label which structure is which. (17 points)
Hint: Your trees should match your answers from question 7!
NP (Det) (AP) N (PP)
VP (NP) (PP) (Adv) (CP)
AP Adj (PP)
CP Comp S
a. I heard that the happy students from Guelph will enjoy their vacation safely.
b. Have I put the book on the correct bookshelf?