Create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan

Create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan.

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan for a select disease. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan

The purpose of this assignment is to enhance the student’s clinical reasoning, confidence and learning of multiple pharmacological agents through facilitated discussion. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan for a select disease (CO1, 2, 3, & 6).
MT at the end of Week 6. In Week 6- you only need to post your Kaltura presentation in the discussion thread.

You do not need to reply to your peer’s presentations.? A 10% late penalty will be imposed for presentations posted after the deadline on Sunday and will follow the late deductions policy stated in the syllabus. Total Points Possible: 75 points Requirements:

In Week 6, you will create a PowerPoint presentation on a primary care problem that is assigned to you by your professor.
You may NOT do the same topic as you had for the NR565 Grand Rounds assignment. The PowerPoint presentation should be a narrate using the Kaltura media application. ? Please refer to the “How to use Kaltura” recording below. Additionally, if you have technical issues, please contact your faculty or Tech Support. ?Make sure you click on the Screen & Webcam box to record in Kaltura.?

Create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan

Present a fictional patient with the assigned medical condition to address all of the following: Describe the most commonly prescribed drugs for the assigned condition. Provide evidence by sharing clinical guidelines, research articles, or other scholarly materials to support your findings. Identify barriers to practice or issues related to the condition and also the use of pharmacologic treatment. Including potential issues related to cultural diversity and also healthcare literacy.
Describe the expected outcomes for medication management, including expectations for follow up care. ?

The overall presentation must meet the following requirements: Time: between 8-12 minutes total and no more than 15 slides. Citations should be at the bottom of slides and a full reference list should be in APA format on the final slide. Additionally, you will create five (5) multiple choice questions derived from your presentation content.?Include the questions on a slide in your presentation, but DO NOT provide the answers.


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Create an appropriate evidence-based medication treatment plan


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