Creative Brief Overview Provide an overview of the company..
Creative Brief
Provide an overview of the company.
Outline the history of advertising for this company leading up to this plan.
Explain key opportunities based on market trends.
Explain the role that the proposed advertising campaign will play and key challenges, including the
competitive environment.
Advertising objectives
Provide detailed description of campaign objectives (SMART objectives) to identify the purpose and scope of
the advertising campaign.
• Why the campaign objectives be achieved given the time, budget and general product and market factors.
• How campaign objectives ensure that legal and ethical requirements are met.
Target audience and key messages
Provide an overview of target audience for the campaign, including who they are, where they are located and
how to communicate with them.
Identify Key messages for target group and how the campaign objectives take into account factors that may
affect target consumer responses to the campaign, for example, age, gender, lifestyle and values.
21/01/2021 62869 – Creative BriefOverviewProvide an overview of the company.Outline 3/4
Recommended advertising activities.
Advertising budget:
Produce a completed advertising budget including costs of:
• Market research – specify by type.
• Costs of the agreed media options and associated creative and production services as discussed at the
meeting with the client.
Include a clear rationale to show that the allocated budget will be sufficient to meet campaign objectives.
Develop a schedule to meet the requirements of the advertising brief. This should include:
• Duration of the campaign
• Timing of each component of the campaign.
• Activities to be completed in the lead up to the campaign, service providers to be involved and their role.
This part of the creative brief should also include an explanation of the criteria used to select identified
service providers as per the Green Cat Creative Brief Guidelines.
• Progress monitoring – explain when and how progress will be checked to ensure that the advertising
campaign is running to schedule and budget.
• Evaluation – Identify appropriate mechanisms for evaluating the campaign,
The schedule should be developed using the template on the following page.
Service Providers
Provide a list of chosen service providers and an explanation of why each has been selected.
Advertising Campaign
Week Commencing XXX 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Digital is an important part of the campaign, empowering those with the ability and resource to search for
information in online environments. We recommend a mixture of online tactics to ensure activity is targeting
the audience by demographic, location and interest while, also capturing users who are actively seeking
information on the training programs or awards.
Adjust shaded rows depending on timing
The newspapers identified provide a strong platform to deliver the Boutique Build Australia message to a
large number of Brisbane and Sunshine Coast residents.