Critically discuss what culinary tourism is and how it links to cultural tourism, why it is important and its holistic benefits..
You are required to write an essay of a to maximum of 3,000 words, excluding the reference list, which incorporates theory from academic sources to answer your choice of ONEof the following essay questions. This will assess all module learning outcomes
1.Using examples, critically discuss globalisation and the key underpinning aspects of homogenisation and heterogenisation affecting food and beverage consumption and cultural identity in the 21stcentury, including discussion on food and borders and the current issues related to food and mobility/migration as proposed by Abbots,2017.
2.Using examples, critically discuss what the Slow Food Movement is in relation to food consumption in the 21stcentury, its history, and its objectives, key areas of focus, underlying principles and key activities.
3.Critically discuss what culinary tourism is and how it links to cultural tourism, why it is important and its holistic benefits.
4.Critically discuss and define what gastronomy is, discuss the history of European gastronomy to the present day and its key influencers and influences.
5.Critically discuss the principles, validity and impact of Michelin accreditations and the impact guide books have on restaurant and “foodie” behaviour and the imagined state of “consumer to culinary professional”
6.Critically discuss what chocolate is, the significance of its geography and examples of “single origin” producers and the social justice and environmental concerns and key initiatives to address these.
7.Critically discuss the characteristics of the new and old world wine regions and the keydifferences between them. Using an example of a key wine producing region of the world, discuss the impact of the “Terroir” Guidance for online essay approach:
a.You MUST answer 1 question.
b.Answers must be essay-style and MUST contain REFERENCING, where it is appropriate.
c.In every session you have been given lecture slides and where appropriate additional reading in the form of journals, articles and text –USE these.
d.You are required to write an essay of a to maximum of 3,000 words, excluding the reference list. e.Your writing MUST be legible and be readable. f.You have to achieve 40% to pass.
g.Include CRITICAL discussion that is well referenced and demonstrates understanding of the theory and application to practice.
h.The brief and essay question are available on Canvas.i.A submission link via Turnitin on Canvas will be provided to you.j.You will have to submit your completed essay by the stated time on the Turnitin link and then submit the Turnitin report and the original test word fileinto JIRA
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