Dealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change. What are indicators that change is needed?

Dealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change. What are indicators that change is needed?.

Dealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change. What are indicators that change is needed?

Organizational development (OD) is a set of techniques for implementing a planned change to make people and organizations more effective. Describe metrics that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a planned change, and explain why it is often difficult for managers to implement change.

Social psychologist Kurt Lewin developed a three-stage model. Summarize the model and provide an example of how that model was implemented or used in your company (or previous one) or a change initiative.


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Dealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change. What are indicators that change is needed?


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