Define and identify two current major theories in the field from chapter 3 and how they are connected to early theories discussed in chapter 2.

Define and identify two current major theories in the field from chapter 3 and how they are connected to early theories discussed in chapter 2..

For this assignment, you are to reflect upon your readings for module 1. You read chapters 1-3 in Tracey and Morrow (2017) as well as the link on Qualitative v. Quantitative Research. For your paper, please discuss the following:

1- Define and identify two current major theories in the field from chapter 3 and how they are connected to early theories discussed in chapter 2 (Tracey & Morrow, 2017)

2- Analyze the two theories you chose from Tracey & Morrow (2017) and their role in how people learn in general, and how students are taught in school

3- Discuss the features of quantitative and qualitative research and how they are different

4- Discuss what type of research (qualitative or quantitative) appeals to you and why

Your paper should be a minimum of 725 words (3 pages) but no more than 1000 (4 pages) not including the APA formatted Reference page. Papers should be double spaced, Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins with in-line citations in APA format. Headings will help you ensure you’ve addressed all the required information.

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Define and identify two current major theories in the field from chapter 3 and how they are connected to early theories discussed in chapter 2.


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