Define data analytics both generally and then explain how it operates or fails to operate within the context of the organization, as per your observations and experience.

Define data analytics both generally and then explain how it operates or fails to operate within the context of the organization, as per your observations and experience..

• Define data analytics both generally and then explain how it operates (or fails to operate) within the context of the organization, as per your observations and experience.

• Having understand about analytics maturity and learned that there are specific criteria and tools that can be used to assess an organization’s analytics maturity, do your best to determine the organization’s analytics maturity, this would include:

its relative effectiveness and acceptance of the analytics approach—i.e., is it still mostly an intuitive decision-making organization or has it moved towards evidence-based decision making? Are the forces that are driving or stagnating the organization apparent?

• In what developmental phase would you place the organization currently? Based on its current standing, where should the organization move next?

• What do you think you and your DAT team could or should do, in your roles as consultants, to help the organization develop in fruitful directions?

• Make specific recommendations that demonstrate an understanding of analytics as with supplemental readings and research that have helped you gain deep understanding.

• What organizational culture hurdles would you face if you encouraged a more evidence-based approach? What strategies would you employ to overcome these hurdles?

• Is there any additional relevant information you think would be important to help the DAT team understand the analytics environment at the organization?

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Define data analytics both generally and then explain how it operates or fails to operate within the context of the organization, as per your observations and experience.


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