Descartes. margining that you are Descartes*, please write an op-ed or letter to the editor explaining your response to the coronavirus pandemic, including in your piece: What you think the response should have been, both on a societal and individual level.
I’m trying to study for my Philosophy course and I need some help to understand this question. Link for the reading: Descartes. margining that you are Descartes*, please write an op-ed or letter to the editor explaining your response to the coronavirus pandemic, including in your piece: What you think the response should have been, both on a societal and individual level
How you judge the actual response
How you think we should move forward from where we’re at
(You can also just write an essay, if that would be easier.) As you write your response and argue for it, you will want to defend your position using :Descartes’ view of what the human being is
Descartes’ view of the ultimate goal of human life (i.e. human flourishing)
Descates’ position on knowledge, including: Its role in human life and,
How we acquire it
*Maybe you really are? How can you be sure you aren’t?
Requirements: 12-point font. 2 double spaced pages.