Describe a technique to obtain the correct tooth position for complete dentures.

Describe a technique to obtain the correct tooth position for complete dentures..

Describe a technique to obtain the correct tooth position for complete dentures. Note: You must included diagrams, tables and legends and figures to support your points. And references have to be recent for example some 2015,2016 not more than 8 years

Describe a technique to obtain the correct tooth position for complete dentures.

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION : Describe a technique to obtain the correct tooth position for complete dentures. Note: You must included diagrams, tables and legends and figures to support your points. And references have to be recent for example some 2015,2016 not more than 8 years

More Details:

The conventional technique for the fabrication of complete dentures is complex, with a long fabrication process and difficult-to-control restoration quality. In recent years, digital complete denture design has become a research focus.

Digital complete denture tooth arrangement is a challenging issue that is difficult to efficiently implement under the constraints of complex tooth arrangement rules and the patient’s individualized functional aesthetics.

The present study proposes a complete denture automatic tooth arrangement method driven by a reconfigurable rule; it uses four typical operators, including a position operator, a scaling operator, a posture operator, and a contact operator, to establish the constraint mapping association between the teeth and the constraint set of the individual patient.

By using the process reorganization of different constraint operators, this method can flexibly implement different clinical tooth arrangement rules.

When combined with a virtual occlusion algorithm based on progressive iterative Laplacian deformation, the proposed method can achieve automatic and individual tooth arrangement. Finally, the experimental results verify that the proposed method is flexible and efficient.

Dentition loss is a common, frequently occurring disease of the elderly, and complete dentures are the most important conventional treatment method for this disease. Complete denture restoration designs need to meet specific mechanical, biological and aesthetic requirements. The traditional hand-made design and fabrication process for complete dentures is complex and involves multiple processes. Furthermore, the quality is difficult to control.


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Describe a technique to obtain the correct tooth position for complete dentures.


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