Describe how you could assist this child/adult/family member develop a multi-stepself-advocacy strategy to address the situation..
The purpose of this discussion is to explore ways in which we can assist our students/ clients/patients to advocate to for themselves in challenging situations.
The lecture notes and web sites for this module along with information you will find on this topic through a web search will assist you in learning about self-advocacy skills and strategies. Be sure to reference any materials used to support your response.
Pick one of the scenarios below and respond to the following prompts:
Describe how you could assist this child/adult/family member develop a multi-stepself-advocacy strategy to address the situation. Include in your response the target for change and how you would prepare your client or student to self-advocate for change.
Select one consumer organization for people who are blind and visually impaired and describe how it could assist in the change process.
*A child with a vi is being bullied by classmates during recess
*A teenager with a vi does not let her teacher know when she cannot see the board
*A working age adult with a vi is being threatened with job loss due to inability to perform current job-
related activities
*An adult with a vi is having a difficult time walking to the store due to the lack of a traffic light at a busy
*An older adult is being excluded from activities in a senior center after a recent loss of vision
*Parents of a school age child with vi feel their child’s learning needs in relation to visual impairment are
not being met
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