Discuss a current issue in society related to social work and what you think are possible solutions to resolving the issue.

Discuss a current issue in society related to social work and what you think are possible solutions to resolving the issue..

• What experiences – professional, educational, and organizational – led to or confirmed your interest in social work? If you considered another field before choosing social work, discuss your reason for wanting to make this change.

• What are the reasons for your decision to obtain graduate social work education at this time? What are your expectations of graduate social work education? What area(s) of difficulty do you anticipate? What have you done or are doing to address the difficulties?

• Discuss a current issue in society related to social work and what you think are possible solutions to resolving the issue.

• What areas of social work interest you particularly?

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Discuss a current issue in society related to social work and what you think are possible solutions to resolving the issue.


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