Discuss whether or not our court system works well and how you would improve it. Give examples of areas that need change/improvement and your suggested improvements.

Discuss whether or not our court system works well and how you would improve it. Give examples of areas that need change/improvement and your suggested improvements..

Discuss whether or not our court system works well and how you would improve it. Give examples of areas that need change/improvement and your suggested improvements. Discuss how your suggestions for improvement would impact the system.

Since the purpose of a criminal justice degree is to understand the system and seek employment in the criminal justice field, explain how the career you are seeking (pick a career field in CJ even if you don’t plan working in the CJ field) interacts with the court system (beginning to end).

Review the written assignment and grammar/format instructions in the syllabus for additional information.

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Discuss whether or not our court system works well and how you would improve it. Give examples of areas that need change/improvement and your suggested improvements.


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