Discuss with them the three items listed above and incorporate their responses into this assignment. In your position statement, present three sections labeled according to the bulleted items above.

Discuss with them the three items listed above and incorporate their responses into this assignment. In your position statement, present three sections labeled according to the bulleted items above..

For months the Board of Education has received numerous complaints about the arrogance of the superintendent, who has succeeded in offending just about everyone. Now the Board has fired him and named you interim superintendent.

You are expected to be a peacemaker and lead stakeholders to a more positive perception of the district. To that end, the Board has asked you to draft a general position statement that will eventually be incorporated into the district policy manual. This statement should comprise your understanding of and justification of

effective organization leadership
partnerships with various stakeholders
sustained comprehensive educational reform

Interview at least two highly competent administrators that you know.

Discuss with them the three items listed above and incorporate their responses into this assignment. In your position statement, present three sections labeled according to the bulleted items above. Your paper should exhibit content also

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Discuss with them the three items listed above and incorporate their responses into this assignment. In your position statement, present three sections labeled according to the bulleted items above.


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