Do you work? If so, do you know your organization’s vision or mission statement without referencing any documents?

Do you work? If so, do you know your organization’s vision or mission statement without referencing any documents?.

  1. Do you work? If so, do you know your organization’s vision or mission statement without referencing any documents? Does your organization even have a vision or mission statement? If you do not work, ask a working relative if he or she knows the company’s vision or mission statement. List one reason why a person would NOT know his or her company’s own vision or mission.
  2. Remember the management process—inputs, throughputs, and outputs. How might the three types of control relate to the management process? What types of control can you identify in the opening vignette?
  3. In your opinion, which aspect of ethical and social performance is the most critical—ethical people or ethical structures? Why?

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Do you work? If so, do you know your organization’s vision or mission statement without referencing any documents?


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