Does each of the girls succeed in controlling her bosom enemy? Discuss the degree to which, in each girl’s case, the confrontation with her bosom enemy plays out.

Does each of the girls succeed in controlling her bosom enemy? Discuss the degree to which, in each girl’s case, the confrontation with her bosom enemy plays out..

Book: Little Women
In chapter one, each of the March girls confesses to a character-fault, a “bosom enemy” that she resolves to overcome.

Meg cares too much about her looks and too little about work, Jo is too “rough and wild” and high-tempered. Amy is selfish, Beth is shy. Several succeeding chapters focus on how these faults figure in the girls’ lives.

Does each of the girls succeed in controlling her “bosom enemy”? Discuss the degree to which, in each girl’s case, the confrontation with her “bosom enemy” plays out. Is the conflict resolved? Will the psychological fight go on?

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Does each of the girls succeed in controlling her bosom enemy? Discuss the degree to which, in each girl’s case, the confrontation with her bosom enemy plays out.


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