Does it appear to answer itself before the synthesis has even begun? Does your research question reflect the plausible input of colleagues (i.e. the common question may be addressed by others for this case) ?

Does it appear to answer itself before the synthesis has even begun? Does your research question reflect the plausible input of colleagues (i.e. the common question may be addressed by others for this case) ?.


Write up: Your proposed research question (for internal systematic review)

Details of the task

  • A general systemic review was conducted last week. However, it is suggested by the boss that a tailored made Internal Systematic Review is required especially for the situation of Company A, for more closely to the specific needs and challenges, as “Context is everything”
  • Write-up 1)your proposed research question and 2)  your rationale, which you’ll support, explain, and justify the research question you have developed.
  • Also, MUST address why you did (or did not) revise your question after a discussion with your colleagues. (just imagine who you have spoken to “some colleagues” of asking “some questions” ( just make up some questions that may be most common for this case”, then why you have or have not change it)
  • thorough explanation of your process will convince the management board that you have developed the question that is most appropriate for a systematic review (this internal systematic review).
  • The desired outcome of your internal systematic review is: acquiring and applying actionable knowledge, based on evidence, aimed at improving staff If staff retention is improved, it should help to ensure the company’s long- term viability.

Direction of the research question:

  • how Company A needs to provide moreflexibility in its policies and help employees attain a work/life balance
  • and the long-term strategy of the company
  • should tie this justification to the situation of Company A
  • Some ideas: “Employee Well-being” (happiness, health and relationship) and “HRM Organization Performance Relationship (HRM e.g. employee ability -enhancing HR practices, motivation enhancing practice…), refer to “Paper Two” as reference.

To note, have the research question answer those:

  • Does your question present a viable opportunity to address a specific situation, problem, or challenge?
  • Does your research question provide an avenue by which to identify a robust array of potentially relevant and useful evidence?
  • If not, how can the research question be broadened sufficiently to cast a broader net and capture a wider range of potentially useful evidence?
  • Is the research question as free of bias as possible?
  • Does it appear to answer itself before the synthesis has even begun?
  • Does your research question reflect the plausible input of colleagues (i.e. the common question may be addressed by others for this case) ?

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Does it appear to answer itself before the synthesis has even begun? Does your research question reflect the plausible input of colleagues (i.e. the common question may be addressed by others for this case) ?


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