Down below is an example of the assignment and then there are directions. You can make a scenario up for example about maybe a moment of realizing you have anxiety or something

Down below is an example of the assignment and then there are directions. You can make a scenario up for example about maybe a moment of realizing you have anxiety or something.

Down below is an example of the assignment and then there are directions. You can make a scenario up for example about maybe a moment of realizing you have anxiety or something
Example 2 Life Experience: Ryan, a 35-year-old professional, was living under chronic stress due to an unhealthy relationship, unresolved resentment and anger, and a demanding yet unrewarding job. He struggled with many physical symptoms, including headaches, chronic respiratory infections, stomach ulcers, digestive problems, sleep problems, weight gain, depression, anxiety, and eventually cancer. Life Lesson: “My body was sending me warning signals that I did not pay enough attention to. My physical illnesses culminated in cancer, which finally got my attention. It was time to change the way I was living. The lesson I took from this time in my life is, ‘If you don’t scream, your body will’.” Application to Counseling Theory: Several theoretical orientations focus on a holistic approach to working with clients, paying attention to clients’ physical symptoms, mannerisms, and behaviors. A Gestalt therapist might see neck pain in a client as a symptom of something or someone literally being a pain in the neck in that person’s life. The Gestalt therapist helps clients listen to their body and engages them in a dialogue with their physical symptoms. Cognitive behavior therapy also works holistically by attending to the integration of thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions. A practitioner with a cognitive behavior therapy orientation might help clients identify how their beliefs and thinking patterns have influenced what they are doing and how they are feeling. Directions Take a few minutes to reflect on significant events or critical incidents that have occurred in your life. It could be your parents’ divorce, an abusive relationship, losing a job, having a child, getting sober, or some other event. Life Experience: Briefly describe the event or incident, when it occurred, what happened, and why it was significant or life-changing for you. Life Lesson: What was the outcome of this event, and how did it affect you emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally? How did it influence the way you see the world or others? What belief or worldview did you develop from this experience? Theoretical Application: With the help of your instructor or with classmates, discuss which counseling theories are most compatible with the belief or worldview you now hold as a result of this life experience. Try this exercise with several life experiences to see if the resulting beliefs and life lessons lead you in the direction of specific counseling theories.”
— Groups: Process and Practice 10 Edition Kindle Book by Marianne Schneider, Gerald Corey, et al.

Down below is an example of the assignment and then there are directions. You can make a scenario up for example about maybe a moment of realizing you have anxiety or something


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