DQ1Social Justice, Cultural Relevance, and Prevention

DQ1Social Justice, Cultural Relevance, and Prevention.

SHB 5990
DQ1Social Justice, Cultural Relevance, and Prevention
Look back to your scholarly research from this unit’s studies. How do social justice and cultural relevance relate to best practices in prevention? Apply your ideas to professionals who work with or teach about the topic or issue you have selected for your course project.
Include at least two references: one scholarly journal article and something from Prevention Practice Kit.
Preparing for Your Community Assessment Interviews
Review the Community Assessment Annotated Directory component of your course project, due in Unit 6. A minimum of three individual interviews (at least one in person) will be carried out during Units 7 and 8. The results of your in-depth interviews will be presented in the Applied Integrative Project, due in Unit 9. Be sure to make your appointments as soon as you have identified key individuals and organizations that are addressing your problem or issue and set them with enough lead time so that if someone needs to reschedule, you can do so in time to complete the assignment.
Develop and present a draft of the introduction that you will e-mail and use in person as you initiate your community assessment Interviews. This introduction should include who you are, that this is the capstone project for your Master’s Degree, a short synopsis of your topic or issue, and how they can help you with your community assessment.
Review the handout, “Preparing for Your In-Depth Assessment Interviews,” linked in Resources. Develop and share at least five additional questions you might ask during your face-to-face Assessment Interview to gain a sense of the depth and breadth of the individual’s or organization’s involvement with prevention, early intervention, and advocacy around your specific topic or issue, locally and beyond. You will want to learn about the populations served and how decisions were made, for example, participant involvement, needs assessment, and so forth.
What are the ethical issues involved in doing this type of interviewing for community assessment purposes?
The final course project evolves throughout the quarter. Let’s look at some of the unit activities so it is clear how the pieces fit together. You will begin by developing a literature review around your topic or issue. You will work on it in Units 2–5. You will also plan ahead to begin working on an environmental scan in your community of individuals and organizations involved in prevention and advocacy related to your topic or issue (due in Unit 6). In Units 7 and 8, you will dig deeper by interviewing three professionals regarding the work of their organizations around your topic or issue. You will be prepared to do this because you will have reviewed the literature and you will have explored what is happening in your community. You will want to make appointments for your in-depth interviews by Unit 6.
The questions below are designed to help you get started with a plan for your three in-depth interviews. In the second Unit 3 discussion, you will begin developing and getting feedback on questions you might ask in order to gain a solid understanding of the depth and breadth of services and activities of the three organizations you have identified. Some of the questions may not fit for your particular topic, so revise as necessary. Then add questions specific to your topic. Be prepared in your discussion to explain why you want to ask the questions you have drafted based on the literature, your professional experience, and the knowledge you are gaining regarding the organizations in your community.
• How did you and your organization develop an interest in this issue?
• What specific population or populations have you targeted? (Ask about age, ethnic or cultural groups, gender, geographic area, and so forth.)
• Is your organization involved (or have you been involved in the past) at the local, regional, state, or national level? In what ways? (Is there a specific initiative or project you are involved in at any of these levels?)
• Is the nature of your work in this area focused more on prevention, advocacy, early intervention, or several of these? Based on their response, follow up with the following questions if relevant:
o Please tell me more about your prevention activities in relation to this topic or issue.
o Please tell me about your early intervention activities in relation to his topic or issue.
o In what ways have you been involved in advocacy in relation to this topic or issue?

DQ1Social Justice, Cultural Relevance, and Prevention


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