Effective sports leader characteristics and qualities understanding.
This is a paper that is focusing on the effective sports leader characteristics and qualities understanding. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:
Effective sports leader characteristics and qualities understanding
Distinction Learning aim A: Understand the roles, qualities and characteristics of an effective sports leader A.D1 Evaluate the impact of skills, qualities, characteristics on sports leadership in different sport and exercise activities or environments. B.D2 Evaluate the impact of key psychological factors on sports leadership in different sport and exercise activities or environments. A.P1 Discuss the skills, qualities and characteristics of three different leadership roles in different sport and additionally exercise activities or environments. A.P2 Explain the importance of skills, qualities and characteristics in the leadership role in different sport and exercise activities or environments. A.M1 Analyse the importance of skills, qualities and also characteristics in the leadership role in different sport and exercise activities or environments.
Learning aim
B: Examine the importance of psychological factors and their link with effective leadership B.P3 Discuss how key psychological factors may affect sports leadership within different sport and also exercise activities or environments. B.M2 Analyse key psychological factors that may affect sports leadership within different sport and also exercise activities or environments.
Learning aim
C: Explore an effective leadership style when leading a team during sport and exercise activities C.D3 Justify your leadership style and its impact on team performance, suggesting alternative leadership styles that could be used to improve team performance. C.P4 Demonstrate a chosen leadership style, using appropriate skills when leading a team during a sport and exercise activity. C.P5 Review the impact of own leadership style on the performance of the team during the sport and exercise activity. C.M3 Demonstrate a chosen leadership style, using effective skills when leading a team during a sport and exercise activity. C.M4 Analyse your chosen leadership style and the impact of it on team performance, considering own strengths and also areas of weakness
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Effective sports leader characteristics and qualities understanding