Emergency preparation plan

Emergency preparation plan.



This is an emergency plan, but I need you to add a few things in this document that cover all these questions
below, like What supplies do we need? in an emergency. I leave you an example below to give you an idea of
this article.
Everyone needs an Emergency Plan in the event that a major incident occurs in our area and we are no longer
able to communicate by cell phone or over the internet. Imagine that all forms of communication are not
available and we are in a separate location from our friends and family.
Go to (Links to an external site.) and research information relating to the development of an
Emergency Plan. Review the website, and other resources you may find valuable, and begin to put together
the basic outline of your Emergency Plan. You should consider such primary questions as:
Should we stay put or should we evacuate?
How will everyone in our group – friends and family – contact each other?
Which members of our group need transportation and who is self-sufficient?
What resources are in our neighborhood that we might be able to utilize?
Where will we all meet in the event we need to evacuate and cannot communicate?
Who is our out-of-town contact and how do we contact that person?
What supplies do we need?




The post Emergency preparation plan first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Emergency preparation plan


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