ESSAY-2 ASSIGNMENT: Domestic Discrimination and Terrorism BACKDROP AND CONTEXT: A collage of factors are making 2020 a year of the extraordinary: uneasy adjustments to governance as protectionist and nationalists polices reflect anti-globalization sentiments, increasing signs of climate and environmental changes, human deaths and life changes (vulnerable business and eco

ESSAY-2 ASSIGNMENT: Domestic Discrimination and Terrorism BACKDROP AND CONTEXT: A collage of factors are making 2020 a year of the extraordinary: uneasy adjustments to governance as protectionist and nationalists polices reflect anti-globalization sentiments, increasing signs of climate and environmental changes, human deaths and life changes (vulnerable business and eco.

ESSAY-2 ASSIGNMENT: Domestic Discrimination and Terrorism

A collage of factors are making 2020 a year of the extraordinary: uneasy adjustments to governance as protectionist and nationalists polices reflect anti-globalization sentiments, increasing signs of climate and environmental changes, human deaths and life changes (vulnerable business and economic sectors eliminated) resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic, the likes of which have not been experienced since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918- 1920; proliferation of authoritarian regimes, and a U.S. presidential election of historic significance that will impact every nation worldwide.

Beginning in early June 2020, national protests against police brutality and injustices against black people spread across the nation stemming from the death of George Floyd. Chapter 6 in the textbook “From Difference to Discrimination” provides broad context to these events with its discussion of structural discrimination toward certain race and ethnic groups.

Considering that in the U.S. “Most domestic terrorist attacks and plots between January 1 and August 31, 2020 were committed by white supremacists, anti-government extremists from the violent far-right, and involuntary celibates (incels)”1 (p. 4)2, this assignment asks students to develop two essays that demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate the institutions, agencies and practices aimed at preserving the ‘nationalist perspective’ on the issues of power and race.

Write an Essay
The essay is to address the ‘nationalist perspective’ as it is described below.
[Note: The term “white nationalist perspective” is intentionally omitted because it unnecessarily skews analyses and efforts to exhibit maximum neutrality of thought.]

As empowerment of ethnic minorities is realized to a greater extent, the movements for social justice and reform are perceived as contrary to the values and position of those in control, and thus they are counterproductive. Under these circumstances it is necessary to reclaim the power and espouse an ideology of “taking the country back” to maintain the status quo.

The aim of the assignment is to provide students with a space to explore and demonstrate the ability to extract plausible insights from polarizing and perhaps threatening perspectives in order to advance a more comprehensive understanding of rationales that promote attitudes and practices of discrimination against minority and ethnic peoples.

1 Incel terrorism- “. . . the incel community—a loose movement that is also well versed in irony, memes, and inside references, similar to the online white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements” (Foreign Policy, June 2, 2020).

2 “War Comes Home: Evolution of Domestic Terrorism in the United States,” CSIS, October 2020.

It is clearly recognized that this assignment may provoke a modicum of anxiety, as it is likely that students may hold various levels of opposing or contrary perspectives—some very personal.

Include in the Essay
The terms and meanings of domestic terrorism, and the meanings of hate groups. Identify the pertinent distinctions between the two, i.e. between ‘domestic terrorism’ and ‘hate groups’.

Identify and discuss assumptions upon which the nationalist perspective is based, placing these assumptions in historical and cultural contexts.

Identify and discuss the merits for supporting the nationalist perspective.

Discuss the challenges that come with supporting the nationalist perspective.

NOTE: Construct your essay using the words in boldface above as subheadings in your essay. (750-1000 words; 3-4 pages double-spaced)

a.Read the article, “War Comes Home: Evolution of Domestic Terrorism in the United States,” from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (Oct 2020). The article is in PDF form in Bb, linked HERE.

b.Read the article, “Critical Race Theory is Actually Making People More Racist,” from The Federalist (Oct 2020). This article is in PDF form in Bb, linked HERE and also on the web HERE.

[* You must write in full sentences and use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Your essay should answer the assigned questions above

ESSAY-2 ASSIGNMENT: Domestic Discrimination and Terrorism BACKDROP AND CONTEXT: A collage of factors are making 2020 a year of the extraordinary: uneasy adjustments to governance as protectionist and nationalists polices reflect anti-globalization sentiments, increasing signs of climate and environmental changes, human deaths and life changes (vulnerable business and eco


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