Essay Analysis

Essay Analysis.





Exercise 1

1. What does the Movement Ratio window tell us about Sniffy’s behavior during the 10 trials of exercise 1?
-The more it goes up, the more sniffy stays still. He stops moving because he is shocked.

2. The higher the movement ratio bar is for a trial, the ___less__ (more/less) Sniffy is moving immediately after the CS is presented.

3. What does the CS Response Strength mind window indicate about Sniffy’s internal state over the 10 trials of exercise 1?
It indicates the tone’s capacity to produce fear as a psychological process and it increases as the number of trial continued.
Exercise 2
4. What does the Movement Ratio window tell us about Sniffy’s behavior over the 30 trials of exercise 2? Why do you think it takes more trials to extinguish a conditioned emotional response (CER) than to acquire a CER?
-duirng stage 2, when we present CS(tone) without the shock, we see Sniffy losing his fear
Exercise 3

5. What does the Movement Ratio window tell us about Sniffy’s behavior over the trials of exercise 3? In particular, did you see what you expected to see from exercises 2 to 3? Why?
As trial increased, the moment ratio decreased. No. I thought it will go up.

6. Please take a screenshot of the Movement Ratio window and CS Response Strength mind window for all 3 exercises together. Instructions on cutting and pasting the data window can be found on page 29 of the Sniffy text.




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Essay Analysis


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