Evaluate the appropriateness and efficiency of different communication channels and tools

Evaluate the appropriateness and efficiency of different communication channels and tools.

2ScenarioTo be able to write this assignment and meet all the assessment criteria, you will be required to select Microsoft Incorporation. It is important that you should have a detailed knowledge of this organisation because you will be required to answer a number of questions on the basis of your knowledge of this organisation.

Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations.In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit.

The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.Your submission should be in a report format. 2,000 (+/-) 10%words.I.Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations

1.1 2ScenarioTo be able to write this assignment and meet all the assessment criteria, you will be required to select Microsoft Incorporation. It is important that you should have a detailed knowledge of this organisation because you will be required to answer a number of questions on the basis of your knowledge of this organisation.

Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations.In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.Your submission should be in a report format. 2,000 (+/-) 10%words.I.Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations

1.1 Evaluate the appropriateness and efficiency of different communication channels and tools.

1.2 Explain the use of vertical, lateral or networked communication channels and tools.

1.3Explain how the use of clear and correct language supports effective communication.

1.2 Explain the use of vertical, lateral or networked communication channels and tools.

1.3Explain how the use of clear and correct language supports effective communication.

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Evaluate the appropriateness and efficiency of different communication channels and tools


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