Evaluate the course paper drafts of 4 other students using the following criteria. Be sure to answer all 8 questions in your reviews:

Evaluate the course paper drafts of 4 other students using the following criteria. Be sure to answer all 8 questions in your reviews:.

Evaluate the course paper drafts of 4 other students using the following criteria. Be sure to answer all 8 questions in your reviews:
Locate and cite the author’s thesis statement.
How does the author support this thesis?
Create a concise but comprehensive outline of the paper demonstrating how each paragraph contributes to achieving the overall goal of the paper.
Ex. Paragraph 1: establishes thesis and plan for support
P2: provides example of supporting event from the text
P3: interprets example …
In what ways does the paper display the author’s skills of creativity, description, analysis, and comparison?
Is there a section of the paper that scratches the surface of an idea but needs to be developed further? Cite it and suggest how the author could take the next step in clarifying the intention behind it.
Evaluate the use of quotations in the response. Is the relevance of the chosen quotation clear? How might the author engage more deeply with the quotation to realize its full potential?
Does the paper respond directly and adequately to the prompt?
8. What is your favorite thing about this paper?

Evaluate the course paper drafts of 4 other students using the following criteria. Be sure to answer all 8 questions in your reviews:


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