Examine a particular social or cultural issue of your choice

Examine a particular social or cultural issue of your choice.

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to examine a particular social or cultural issue of your choice. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Examine a particular social or cultural issue of your choice

Examine a particular social or cultural issue of your choice. Paper should focus on three or four important “points” that show how underlying cultural values or themes are expressed in the group, site, or issue you are exploring.
The paper should include the following sections:
Firstly, an Introduction that lays out where the paper is going and what the main points will be
Secondly, an explanation of the problem, why the topic was selected.
Thirdly, a review of existing sources on the problem, including the review of 1-5 scholarly sources. In addition, you should make two explicit connections to something from the class–from movies, lectures, or readings – somewhere within the paper.

• Depending on your topic, you may include data and also maps in order to support and develop your argument (you could see: and also
• Three to four sections, each separated by a heading, that elucidate your main points– how cultural values or themes are expressed in this site. Each section should include specific material from your observations and thoughts, and also sum up the material to make a point. Additionally, do not make general statements without backing them up with specific data.
• Lastly, a conclusion that ties the various points or themes together

Summary of the Term Paper’s Structure:
1. Introduction
2. The topic
3. Review of the existing sources and connection to the material from the Class
4. Census data and maps (possibly)
5. Main points (how sociological themes are expressed in the subject of study)
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliographical references

Possible Topics: Please, note that these are only my suggestion, therefore, be free to choose one of the following subjects, only if you wish!
– The role of women in the family
– The educational capacity of family
– Family and also the other agents of socialization (school, peer groups)
– Which future for family?
– The divorce
– The meeting and also clash of generations in family
– Family and tradition
– Family and the media
– The portrayal of the family in films
– The role of grandparents in the family


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Examine a particular social or cultural issue of your choice


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