Explain how dysautonomia can cause syncope 5-7 sentence Question 2Based on the information you learned in the cardiovascular case study, syncope and orthostatic hypotension can be distinguished from each other becauseGroup of answer choices

Explain how dysautonomia can cause syncope 5-7 sentence Question 2Based on the information you learned in the cardiovascular case study, syncope and orthostatic hypotension can be distinguished from each other becauseGroup of answer choices.

I’m working on a Biology exercise and need support.Question 1Explain how dysautonomia can cause syncope 5-7 sentence Question 2Based on the information you learned in the cardiovascular case study, syncope and orthostatic hypotension can be distinguished from each other becauseGroup of answer choices
2 of choices given are correct
syncope can only be caused by malfunctioning of the autonomic nervous system
syncope is caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain
orthostatic hypotension occurs when blood pressure drops within 3 minutes upon standing
none of the choices given are correct
Question 3Changes on the variables listed below can cause syncope1. cardiac output2. total cross section of blood vessels3. autonomic nervous system4. blood volumeGroup of answer choices
Question 4Why is it important to understand the epidemiology of syncope? 5-7 sentence Question 5In the cardiovascular case study oxygen and carbon dioxide partial pressures were measured. Although the values for the patient were within normal ranges, explain briefly why it is important to measure them? 5-7 sentence Requirements: 5-7 sentence

Explain how dysautonomia can cause syncope 5-7 sentence Question 2Based on the information you learned in the cardiovascular case study, syncope and orthostatic hypotension can be distinguished from each other becauseGroup of answer choices


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