Explain how the religion of the Rgveda and other early Vedic texts differs from the religion of the Upanisads. In other words, describe how early Vedic Hinduism differs from late Vedic Hinduism.

Explain how the religion of the Rgveda and other early Vedic texts differs from the religion of the Upanisads. In other words, describe how early Vedic Hinduism differs from late Vedic Hinduism..

Explain how the religion of the Rgveda and other early Vedic texts differs from the religion of the Upanisads. In other words, describe how early Vedic Hinduism differs from late Vedic Hinduism. How did the former evolve into the later? Specifically discuss how the following changed over time during the Vedic period: religious doctrines and beliefs, religious practices, the basic form of society, the geographical center of activity, and the roles in religion of different members of society. In your paper, cite at least four passages from primary sources assigned as readings (linked below, can use other sources too). These passages should illustrate important features of early or late Vedic Hinduism.

Explain how the religion of the Rgveda and other early Vedic texts differs from the religion of the Upanisads. In other words, describe how early Vedic Hinduism differs from late Vedic Hinduism.


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