Explain the reasons you believe this company’s stock price will increase in the future. Include in your analysis (among other things): 8. What new products might be in the pipeline?

Explain the reasons you believe this company’s stock price will increase in the future. Include in your analysis (among other things): 8. What new products might be in the pipeline?.

Prepare 5 pages report for your proposed investment. In this report, be sure to include at a minimum:
Describe what the company does.
Show the sector and industry the company is in.
Document the major divisions within the company that contribute the most to its revenues and profits.
Show your financial results for this stock selection.
Include the analysis and interpretation of these results.
Provide other, unique information on the financial condition of the company obtained from Annual Reports and other sources. Cite these sources.
Show trends in the company’s stock prices over the past 1, 2 and 5 year periods, and more.
Explain the reasons you believe this company’s stock price will increase in the future. Include in your analysis (among other things): 8. What new products might be in the pipeline?
9. Your analysis of the company’s management;
10. What other analysts say about this company? 11. Explain the risks involved in purchasing this company’s stock.
Grading Guidelines for the Project/Assignment (Rubric)
This Assignment will be worth 20% in total. Addressing each of these areas is worth up to 1% each (1% x 11 = 11%), and there will be an overall assessment of your report on effort worth the remaining 9%.
16% – 20%: Excellent to very Good Report showing substantial research, data and effort. Provides additional insights not specified above. 10% -15%: Average effort showing some but incomplete research, data and effort. Provides limited unique insights.
0 % – 14%: Shows little or no research, data and effort. Few or no unique insights.

Explain the reasons you believe this company’s stock price will increase in the future. Include in your analysis (among other things): 8. What new products might be in the pipeline?


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