Explain why and how your recommendation matches and/or does not match the United States’ Ideological Reasonings.

Explain why and how your recommendation matches and/or does not match the United States’ Ideological Reasonings..

Answer the following questions
A nation can legislate mandatory service in the armed forces. Known as “the draft,” the United States used forced conscription to build the armies it needed to fight World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. If drafted, a person must leave his or her school, job, and family to serve for a specified period of time, typically two years, in the armed forces. Draftees become soldiers and some soldiers give their lives in combat. Those who try to escape their duties, known as “draft dodgers” are prosecuted and imprisoned.


Considering what you know about the nation, its ideological convictions, and its history, what would you recommend?  Explain why and how your recommendation matches and/or does not match the United States’ Ideological Reasonings.

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Explain why and how your recommendation matches and/or does not match the United States’ Ideological Reasonings.


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